messay slash situation, to be cleaned up later

This commit is contained in:
mb 2023-11-29 19:09:18 +01:00
parent 7601797445
commit 6b13593440

View File

@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ def md_to_html(md_pad_content, name):
protocol = urlparse(request.base_url).scheme + "://"
hostname = urlparse(request.base_url).netloc
domain = protocol + hostname
template_url = f"{ domain }{ APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] }{ name }/template.html"
md_url = f"{ domain }{ APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] }{ name }/"
template_url = f"{ domain }{ APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] }/{ name }/template.html"
md_url = f"{ domain }{ APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] }/{ name }/"
# html = pypandoc.convert_text(md_pad_content, 'html', format='md', extra_args=[f'--template={ template_url }', '--standalone'])
result =["pandoc", "--from", "markdown", "--to", "html", "--template", f"{ template_url }", md_url], capture_output=True, text=True)
html = result.stdout