# octomode's technodisobedience branch Currently emerging from the Constant office ;). > *work-in-progress* Octomode is a collective editing space for PDF making, using Etherpad, Paged.js and Flask. Inspired by the multi-centered, tentacular cognition capabilities of the octopus, we imagined a space in which the artificial boundaries of writing and design can be crossed; where writing, editing and designing can be done in one environment simultaneously, allowing the format to influence the matter and vice-versa. More expanded documentation can be found [here](https://cc.vvvvvvaria.org/wiki/Octomode). ### Prerequisites * Existing [Etherpad](https://etherpad.org) installation * [Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) >= 2.x * Python >= 3.11.x ### Get started You can clone this repository to run octomode on your own computer or server. ``` git clone https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/octomode.git cd octomode ``` Configure your environment, save the following configuration settings as to a file called `.env`. ``` OCTOMODE_APPLICATION_ROOT=XXX OCTOMODE_PORTNUMBER=XXX OCTOMODE_PAD_URL=XXX OCTOMODE_PAD_API_URL=XXX OCTOMODE_PAD_API_KEY=XXX ``` - **OCTOMODE_PAD_API_KEY**: *required*, **no default** - **OCTOMODE_APPLICATION_ROOT**: *optional*, default: `/` - **OCTOMODE_PORTNUMBER**: *optional*, default: `5001` - **OCTOMODE_PAD_URL**: *required*, default: `https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/` (you need API access to this pad instance) - **OCTOMODE_PAD_API_URL**: *required*, default: `https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/api/1.2.15/` **Note**: you must provide a value for `OCTOMODE_PAD_API_KEY`, `OCTOMODE_PAD_URL` and `OCTOMODE_PAD_API_URL`. Now we install the dependencies. All the `python` dependencies are listed in `requirements.txt`. To install them, you can run. ``` make setup ``` This creates a virtual environment at `.venv` and installs all the dependencies here. Next, we also need to install `pandoc`. ``` sudo apt install pandoc ``` Configure your webserver, to connect your application root (for example `octomode.domain.org` or `sub.domain.org/octomode/`) to the port on which the flask application is running (`localhost:5001` by default). This is an example for nginx webservers: ``` location /octomode/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:5555; } ``` And finally, run the application. ``` make run ``` Open the application at port `5001`, for example: http://localhost:5001 ## Install with URL prefix If you want to install octomode with an URL prefix, like , then you can use the gunicorn WSGI. If you have ran the `make setup` command already, then `gunicorn` is already installed. Configure your application root URL in your `.env` file. You can simply run *octomode* now with the following command to run it with `gunicorn` (and not the built-in Flask dev server): `make action` ## Which browser to use? > **WARNING**: When working collectively, it's recommended to use the same browser > and if possible also the same version of that browser, to get the same (or at least > the most similar) PDF. Different operating systems and browsers render CSS rules > slightly differently, which can result in out-of-sync layouts between across > a group of people. > **WARNING**: It's recommended to use Chrome/Chromium when working with Octomode. > Firefox renders images in very low quality. > **WARNING**: It's recommended to use Firefox when working with Octomode > locally. Chrome or Chromium do not load external etherpads in iframes.