import os import json from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse import subprocess # To sanitize Flask input fields from markupsafe import Markup, escape # To sanitize Markdown input import pypandoc # import bleach # To read the Markdown metadat import markdown APP = Flask(__name__) APP.config.from_pyfile('') # --- def get_pad_content(pad_name, ext=""): if ext: pad_name = f'{ pad_name }{ ext }' # print(pad_name) arguments = { 'padID' : pad_name, 'apikey' : APP.config['PAD_API_KEY'] } api_call = 'getText' response = json.load(urlopen(f"{ APP.config['PAD_API_URL'] }/{ api_call }", data=urlencode(arguments).encode())) # create pad in case it does not yet exist if response['code'] == 1 and 'padID does not exist' == response['message']: api_call = 'createPad' urlopen(f"{ APP.config['PAD_API_URL'] }/{ api_call }", data=urlencode(arguments).encode()) api_call = 'getText' response = json.load(urlopen(f"{ APP.config['PAD_API_URL'] }/{ api_call }", data=urlencode(arguments).encode())) content = response['data']['text'] return content def all_pads(): arguments = { 'apikey' : APP.config['PAD_API_KEY'], } api_call = 'listAllPads' response = json.load(urlopen(f"{ APP.config['PAD_API_URL'] }/{ api_call }", data=urlencode(arguments).encode())) return response def create_pad_on_first_run(name, ext): pads = all_pads() pad = name+ext if pad not in pads['data']['padIDs']: # Select default template if 'md' in ext: default_template = 'templates/' elif 'css' in ext: default_template = 'templates/default.css' elif 'template' in ext: default_template = 'templates/default.template.html' default_template = open(default_template).read() # Create pad and add the default template arguments = { 'padID' : pad, 'apikey' : APP.config['PAD_API_KEY'], 'text' : default_template } api_call = 'createPad' json.load(urlopen(f"{ APP.config['PAD_API_URL'] }/{ api_call }", data=urlencode(arguments).encode())) def md_to_html(md_pad_content, name): # Convert Markdown to HTML, using the pandoc template from the NAME.template.html pad # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- app_hostname = get_app_hostname() app_root = get_app_root() template_url = f"{ app_hostname }{ app_root }/{ name }/template.html" md_url = f"{ app_hostname }{ app_root }/{ name }/" result =["pandoc", "--from", "markdown", "--to", "html", "--template", f"{ template_url }", md_url], capture_output=True, text=True) html = result.stdout # Convert Markdown to HTML, using the default pandoc template # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # html = pypandoc.convert_text(md_pad_content, 'html', format='md') # Sanitize the Markdown # html = bleach.clean(html) # Another built-in Flask way to sanitize # html = escape(html) html = Markup(html) return html def get_md_metadata(md_pad_content): # Read the metadata from the Markdown md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['meta']) md.convert(md_pad_content) metadata = md.Meta return metadata def get_app_root(): # we need application root to make all the URLs work..... if APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] == '/': app_root = '' elif APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'].endswith('/'): app_root = APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'][:-1] else: app_root = APP.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] return app_root def get_app_hostname(): # function to get the hostname that the application runs on # for example: localhost:5555, or # TODO: not working atm, this always returns localhost:5555 ...... # -------------------------------------------- # app_protocol = urlparse(request.base_url).scheme + "://" # app_url = urlparse(request.base_url).netloc # app_hostname = app_protocol + app_url app_hostname = "" # hardcoded for now return app_hostname # --- @APP.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): name = False if request.values.get('name'): name = escape(request.values.get('name')) # Returns a Markup() object, which is "None" when False if name: # This is when the environment is "created" # The pads are filled with the default templates (pad, stylesheet, template) exts = ['.md', '.css', '.template.html'] for ext in exts: create_pad_on_first_run(name, ext) return redirect(url_for("pad", name=name)) else: return render_template('start.html', pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) @APP.route('//') def main(name): return redirect(url_for("pad", name=name)) @APP.route('//pad/') def pad(name): url = f"{ APP.config['PAD_URL'] }/{ name }.md" return render_template('iframe.html', url=url, name=name.strip(), pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) @APP.route('//stylesheet/') def stylesheet(name): url = f"{ APP.config['PAD_URL'] }/{ name }.css" return render_template('iframe.html', url=url, name=name.strip(), pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) @APP.route('//template/') def template(name): url = f"{ APP.config['PAD_URL'] }/{ name }.template.html" return render_template('iframe.html', url=url, name=name.strip(), pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) @APP.route('//html/') def html(name): app_root = get_app_root() url = f"{ app_root }/{ name }/preview.html" return render_template('iframe.html', url=url, name=name.strip(), pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) @APP.route('//pdf/') def pdf(name): app_root = get_app_root() url = f"{ app_root }/{name}/pagedjs.html" return render_template('pdf.html', url=url, name=name.strip(), pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) @APP.route('//podcast/') def podcast(name): app_root = get_app_root() url = f"{ app_root }/{name}/podcast.rss" return render_template('iframe.html', url=url, name=name.strip(), pad_url=APP.config['PAD_URL']) # ////////////////// # RENDERED RESOURCES # ////////////////// # (These are not saved as a file on the server) @APP.route('//stylesheet.css') def css(name): css = get_pad_content(name, '.css') # Insert CSS sanitizer here. return css, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/css; charset=utf-8'} @APP.route('//') def md(name): # TO GENERATE THE CONTENT IN MARKDOWN template_pad_content = get_pad_content(name, ext='.md') return template_pad_content, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'} @APP.route('//template.html') def pandoctemplate(name): # TO GENERATE THE PANDOC TEMPLATE template_pad_content = get_pad_content(name, ext='.template.html') return template_pad_content, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'} @APP.route('//preview.html') def preview(name): # TO GENERATE THE PREVIEW WEBPAGE md_pad_content = get_pad_content(name, ext='.md') html = md_to_html(md_pad_content, name) metadata = get_md_metadata(md_pad_content) if metadata: lang = metadata['language'][0] title = metadata['title'][0] else: lang = "en" title = "No title" return render_template('preview.html', name=name.strip(), pad_content=html, lang=lang, title=title) @APP.route('//pagedjs.html') def pagedjs(name): # TO GENERATE THE PAGED.JS WEBPAGE md_pad_content = get_pad_content(name, ext='.md') html = md_to_html(md_pad_content, name) metadata = get_md_metadata(md_pad_content) lang = metadata['language'][0] title = metadata['title'][0] return render_template('pagedjs.html', name=name.strip(), pad_content=html, lang=lang, title=title) @APP.route('//podcast.rss') def rss(name): # TO GENERATE THE PODCAST RSS FEED md_pad_content = get_pad_content(name, ext='.md') rss = "RSS FEED TO BE INSERTED HERE" return render_template('podcast.rss', name=name.strip(), rss=rss) # ////////////////// if __name__ == '__main__': APP.debug = True APP.env = "development""", port=APP.config["PORTNUMBER"], threaded=True)