# CLI for wiki-to-print The script uses the MediaWiki API to download all content (text + images) from a specified wiki page. It saves it as a HTML page, which can be turned into a PDF with Paged.js. ## Folder structure ``` . ├── css │   ├── baseline.css │   ├── pagedjs.css │   └── print.css ├── fonts ├── images ├── js │   ├── paged.js │   └── paged.polyfill.js ├── Makefile ├── templates │   ├── template.html │   └── template.inspect.html └── update.py ``` ## How to use it? 1. Change the `wiki` and `pagename` (e.g. `Pdf:Foobar`) variables in `update.py` on line 221 + 222. 1. Copy paste your CSS into print.css 1. `python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate` 1. `pip install -r requirements.txt` 1. Run `import nltk; nltk.download('punkt')` in a `python3` interpreter 1. Run `$ python3 update.py` 1. Run `$ make` 1. Open `localhost:8000` in your browser