/* choreo-graphic-coding */ // https://hydra.ojack.xyz/?sketch_id=CsMLIsUTVDstkWGo // saved sketch https://hydra.ojack.xyz/?sketch_id=uvQZEr5OsYS1veg8 // HYDRA // 'cntr' + 'shift' + 'enter' — runs all the code // CTRL-Enter: run a line of code // ALT-Enter: run a block +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |o|l|a| |p|e|q|u|e|n|o| |m|u|n|d|o|!| +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ // my toughts are with Ukraine 🕊️ Maksym I hope you are well. //search youtube — webcam live stream online // Hastings Pier Webcam and English Channel LIVE HD? function newHTMLskin () { var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div'), i; for (i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) { divs[i].style.background = "linear-gradient(" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + "deg, Aquamarine, MistyRose, Blue, Plum, Red)"; } } newHTMLskin() // clearInterval(timing); // timing = setInterval(newHTMLskin, 2000); function newMove () { var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div'), i; for (i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) { divs[i].style.width = Math.floor(Math.random() * 300) + "px"; } } newMove() // change borderRadius function breathing() { var zooming = document.querySelectorAll('.badge-style-type-live-now'), i; currentScale = 1; currenttime = setInterval(function() { for (i = 0; i < zooming.length; ++i) { zooming[i].style.transform="scale(" + currentScale + ")"; zooming[i].style.background="blue"; currentScale = Math.random() * 10; } }, 800); } breathing() function noBreathing() { clearInterval(currenttime); } // const newtext = document.createElement('div'); // newtext.classList.add('showtext'); // document.getElementById('content').append(newtext); // #gs_lc50 var delay="0"; var count='0'; var Texts=new Array(); Texts[0]="nova coreografia"; Texts[1]="set the movement"; Texts[2]="words to define space - time"; Texts[3]="( expand ノ) )contract(()"; Texts[4]="the space of the body"; Texts[5]="the body in space"; Texts[6]="o movimento do corpo"; Texts[7]=""; Texts[8]="refuse the movement"; Texts[9]="anular o movimento"; Texts[10]=""; Texts[11]="movement undefined"; Texts[12]="o movimento sem definição"; Texts[13]=""; Texts[14]="choreography is the organization of tensions"; Texts[15]="and counter - tensions "; Texts[16]="counter - choreographies"; Texts[17]="BREATHE"; Texts[18]="continua a respirar" function dancingText(){ document.querySelector('body').innerHTML = Texts[count]; count++; if(count==Texts.length){count='0';} setTimeout("dancingText()",10000); } // dancingText() // dancingVideo() // dance.push('https://www.youtube.com/embed/BCQnrwkTY?controls=0&showinfo=0&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1'); // screenshare & mask rgb s0.initScreen() a.setBins(2); a.show(); src(s0) // .layer(osc(1,1,6).mask(shape(3))) // .scrollX(0, ({time}) => Math.sin(time*0.02)*0.05 ) // FLUID // .modulateKaleid(osc(12,0.05,0),1) // .luma (0.94) //.rotate(4, 0.1,0) // FLUID noise //.modulate(noise(6),.22) // .modulateScrollY(osc(2).modulate(osc().rotate(),.11)) // .scale(.2) // wavy screens // .modulateRepeat(osc(2),1, 2, 4, 3) //.blend(s0) // screen kaleid //.modulateKaleid(voronoi(() => Math.sin(time)*1,1,1),() => Math.sin(time)*1) //.scale(() => Math.sin(time)*2) // voronoi(1,-1,10) //.add(osc(1,0,1)).kaleid(50) //.scale(20,10,2) // intensify //.repeat(() => a.fft[0]*2) //.scale(()=> a.fft[1]*1) // crazyKALEID // .scale(0.5).rotate(1,1).kaleid(50) // FLUID blobs //.mask( noise(0.2,0.5).colorama(2).luma(0.25).thresh(0.5)) // ending — increase voronoi // .mask( // voronoi(3, 6).modulateScale(osc(10), .5).thresh(.7) // ) // simple line // shape(2,0.01).modulate(solid(1).add(osc())) .out() // .☆.*・*.♪。・゚・。.☆.* ノ”good night♪ ☆.。.:*・゚ ☆ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤ ҉ ★ ミ☆☆ keep on dancing!☆☆彡