data_ulr being a base64 encoding of the image 450x450px. there are a few issues with this, but mostly its not reusable elsewhere and this becomes very slow with large lists of files.
a regular thumbnailer with saved files is maybe a better option
currently there is a thumbnailer option in distribusi
return ("<figure><a href='{}'><img class='thumbnail' src='data:image/jpg;base64,{}'></a><figcaption>{}</figcaption></figure>"
).format(name, data_url, cap)
data_ulr being a base64 encoding of the image 450x450px. there are a few issues with this, but mostly its not reusable elsewhere and this becomes very slow with large lists of files.
a regular thumbnailer with saved files is maybe a better option
currently there is a thumbnailer option in distribusi
data_ulr being a base64 encoding of the image 450x450px. there are a few issues with this, but mostly its not reusable elsewhere and this becomes very slow with large lists of files.
a regular thumbnailer with saved files is maybe a better option
image files now get their own
that sits next to the original