@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ import "context"
import "io"
import "bytes"
import "net/http"
func TextInput ( name string , placeholder string , method string , endpoint string , hxTrigger string ) templ . Component {
func NewSiteInput ( ) templ . Component {
return templ . ComponentFunc ( func ( ctx context . Context , templ_7745c5c3_W io . Writer ) ( templ_7745c5c3_Err error ) {
templ_7745c5c3_Buffer , templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer := templ_7745c5c3_W . ( * bytes . Buffer )
if ! templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer {
@ -25,134 +23,7 @@ func TextInput(name string, placeholder string, method string, endpoint string,
templ_7745c5c3_Var1 = templ . NopComponent
ctx = templ . ClearChildren ( ctx )
var templ_7745c5c3_Var2 = [ ] any { "input join-item input-bordered input-primary w-full max-w-xs px-4 py-3 my-8" }
templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . RenderCSSItems ( ctx , templ_7745c5c3_Buffer , templ_7745c5c3_Var2 ... )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
var templ_7745c5c3_Var3 string
templ_7745c5c3_Var3 , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . JoinStringErrs ( name )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ . Error { Err : templ_7745c5c3_Err , FileName : ` components/templates.templ ` , Line : 8 , Col : 14 }
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( templ . EscapeString ( templ_7745c5c3_Var3 ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "\" placeholder=\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
var templ_7745c5c3_Var4 string
templ_7745c5c3_Var4 , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . JoinStringErrs ( placeholder )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ . Error { Err : templ_7745c5c3_Err , FileName : ` components/templates.templ ` , Line : 9 , Col : 28 }
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( templ . EscapeString ( templ_7745c5c3_Var4 ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "\" hx-target=\"#result\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
if method == "get" {
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( " hx-get=\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
var templ_7745c5c3_Var5 string
templ_7745c5c3_Var5 , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . JoinStringErrs ( endpoint )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ . Error { Err : templ_7745c5c3_Err , FileName : ` components/templates.templ ` , Line : 12 , Col : 20 }
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( templ . EscapeString ( templ_7745c5c3_Var5 ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
if method == "post" {
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( " hx-post=\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
var templ_7745c5c3_Var6 string
templ_7745c5c3_Var6 , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . JoinStringErrs ( endpoint )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ . Error { Err : templ_7745c5c3_Err , FileName : ` components/templates.templ ` , Line : 15 , Col : 21 }
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( templ . EscapeString ( templ_7745c5c3_Var6 ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( " hx-trigger=\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
var templ_7745c5c3_Var7 string
templ_7745c5c3_Var7 , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . JoinStringErrs ( hxTrigger )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ . Error { Err : templ_7745c5c3_Err , FileName : ` components/templates.templ ` , Line : 17 , Col : 25 }
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( templ . EscapeString ( templ_7745c5c3_Var7 ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "\" class=\"" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
var templ_7745c5c3_Var8 string
templ_7745c5c3_Var8 , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ . JoinStringErrs ( templ . CSSClasses ( templ_7745c5c3_Var2 ) . String ( ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ . Error { Err : templ_7745c5c3_Err , FileName : ` components/templates.templ ` , Line : 1 , Col : 0 }
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( templ . EscapeString ( templ_7745c5c3_Var8 ) )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "\">" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
if ! templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer {
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteTo ( templ_7745c5c3_W )
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
} )
func NewSiteForm ( endpoint string ) templ . Component {
return templ . ComponentFunc ( func ( ctx context . Context , templ_7745c5c3_W io . Writer ) ( templ_7745c5c3_Err error ) {
templ_7745c5c3_Buffer , templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer := templ_7745c5c3_W . ( * bytes . Buffer )
if ! templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer {
templ_7745c5c3_Buffer = templ . GetBuffer ( )
defer templ . ReleaseBuffer ( templ_7745c5c3_Buffer )
ctx = templ . InitializeContext ( ctx )
templ_7745c5c3_Var9 := templ . GetChildren ( ctx )
if templ_7745c5c3_Var9 == nil {
templ_7745c5c3_Var9 = templ . NopComponent
ctx = templ . ClearChildren ( ctx )
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "<div class=\"result\" id=\"result\">Please enter name of your new Hugo site below 👇</div>" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
templ_7745c5c3_Err = TextInput ( "name" , "Enter Name" , "post" , endpoint , "keyup changed delay:100ms" ) . Render ( ctx , templ_7745c5c3_Buffer )
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "<div>Please enter name of your new Hugo site below 👇</div><form id=\"new-site-form\" hx-post=\"/hugo/new-site\" hx-trigger=\"submit\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"site-name\"></form>" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
@ -162,11 +33,3 @@ func NewSiteForm(endpoint string) templ.Component {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
} )
func NewSite ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
if r . FormValue ( "name" ) != "" {
w . Write ( [ ] byte ( "New site created: " + r . FormValue ( "name" ) + " ✅" ) )
w . Write ( [ ] byte ( "Please enter name of your new Hugo site below 👇" ) )