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<h1>Relearn 2021 anarchive</h1>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/ZAPATISTA-800x480.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message">A delegation of the Zapatistas is sailing for Europe. Not to conquer, but to connect and to join hands with other insurgents and join them in struggle: https://en.labournet.tv/zapatista-delegation-sent</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/Bananas_1.png"></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/cosmic.png"></p>
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<p class="message">Cosmic Crisp is a crazy apple - Intellectual property and trademark protections for fruit-growing plants are on the rise—and so are the lawsuits https://thecounter.org/intellectual-property-trademark-ip-law-fruit-cosmic-crisp-cotton-candy-grapes/?fbclid=IwAR0ys75FVLWlTcuVmaibt_XB-f21RFw4qwz4PRcZswSWWwi3ria2WEDNS1c</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/masters-tools.png"></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/signscentralise.jpeg"></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/3040olives.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message"><iframe src="pdf/berry-computer.pdf"></iframe></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/soSOPNhORay2dyqrc6-lFg.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/acf99a14-fcdd-4792-a0f1-97afc6b48056.png"></p>
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<p class="message">The Coconut Revolution ~ Bougainville Revolutionary Army - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2x5eul</p>
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<p class="key">43</p>
<p class="message">I think we shouldn’t eulogize friction for friction’s sake, because friction, in itself, is just user’s frustration. We have to be able to recognize elegance and generate autonomous convenience for ourselves. We shouldn’t deny a computer the possibility to take decisions for us, we just have to be aware of how such decision-making takes place. Programmability is still at the core of computers, and that is where we can find full read-write computer literacy. - https://theusercondition.computer</p>
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<p class="key">42</p>
<p class="message">illich: mastery of skill does not yet imply a monopoly of understanding. One can understand fully what a goldsmith does without being one oneself. Men do not have to be cooks to know how to prepare food. This combination of widely shared information and competence for using it is characteristic of a society in whichconvivial tools prevail</p>
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<p class="key">41</p>
<p class="message">convivial tools: A basic element which enters into Illich’s very definition of convivial tools (note: technology) is that they increase the user’s autonomy. We can thus consider the capacity to promote autonomy to be in itself a fundamental characteristic of convivial tools.</p>
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<p class="key">40</p>
<p class="message">uri gordon: "technologies are not merely aids to human activity, but also powerful forces acting to reshape that activity and its meaning" // "the construction of a technical system that involves human beings as operating parts brings a reconstruction of social roles and relationships" // "the new system’s own operating requirements: it simply will not work unless human behavior changes to suit its form and process"</p>
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<p class="key">39</p>
<p class="message">on building a thing: (writing a new recipe, writing a new computer program - examples of technology) and using that thing (cooking from the recipe, running the computer program) is a wonderful loop in which, you are affected by the thing and also determining the thing you are making. In other words, the choices you take in building affect how you behave and how you are affected when using the thing which in turn, feeds back into the making of the thing. In this loop you are revisting old thoughts/skills/feelings from the first idea when you built the thing but also experiening each change in the thing as you change it - which gives a feeling of building up skill and domain specific knowledge. It's mostly fun.</p>
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<p class="key">38</p>
<p class="message">documenta 15 - documenta fifteen in relation to lumbung: The collaborative work towards the exhibition is like working together in a kitchen. The lumbung members map and recognize different skills, interests and knowledge, treating them as ingredients to be combined with others. They join working groups to shape all aspects that make up documenta fifteen, like education, publications, public program, and many more, thus creating different recipes. Following this analogy, the 100 days of documenta fifteen in Kassel will be the moment when this kitchen presents its different dishes in form of a big feast, open to the public to enjoy.</p>
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<p class="key">37</p>
<p class="message">Posthuman glossary - rosi braidotti - The material conditions of the everyday even the most routine human activities, such as purchasing plastics, impact human and non-human lives across vast geographic and temporal scales, extending even to the bottom of the sea (Alaimo 2016). The bizarre enormity of the effects of the most minute everyday actions underscores the urgent need for rethinking ethics and politics in the Anthropocene, an epoch in which human activities have profoundly altered the planet.</p>
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<p class="key">36</p>
<p class="message">GroenGoed Rotterdam - Tuinieren voor een ecologische en menswaardige samenleving. GroenGoed draagt bij aan een stad waarin we in harmonie leven met de Aarde en met elkaar. Dat doen we op een zo concreet mogelijke manier: in buurtmoestuinen verbouwen we groenten en kruiden en telen we fruit voor de zelfvoorziening van iedereen die mee wil doen. - https://groengoedrotterdam.com/manifest-groen-is-goed/</p>
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<p class="key">35</p>
<p class="message"><img src="images/about_1_large.jpg"></p>
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<p class="key">34</p>
<p class="message">Biobulkbende - Biobulkbende is een vereniging die volledig door zijn leden wordt bestuurd en gerund. Als vereniging kopen we collectief biologisch voedsel in van lokale producenten en distributeurs. Ons huidige systeem van voedselproductie zit vol gebreken en kwetsbaarheden. Daarom vinden wij het belangrijk om meer controle te krijgen over het voedsel dat we kopen en consumeren. Voedsel gaat niet alleen over geld, toegang tot voedsel hoort niet afhankelijk te zijn van ondoordringbare en ondoorgrondelijke logistiek, en overdadige verpakkingen zijn niet vanzelfsprekend. Toegang tot hoogwaardig, biologisch en betaalbaar voedsel is belangrijk voor ons en we vinden dat iedereen er recht op heeft. - https://biobulkbende.org</p>
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<p class="key">33</p>
<p class="message">Jeroen Bakt Brood - Jeroen van Wisse bakt langgerezen desembrood. Ergens in 2014 begon dat thuis, maar sinds 20 juni 2015 is er ook een winkel. Het brood van Jeroen krijgt alle tijd om smaak te ontwikkelen; de rijstijd is standaard zo'n 12 - 48 uur. Daarna wordt het op hoge temperatuur gebakken, waardoor het een zeer harde en knapperige korst krijgt. Het brood heeft een volle, 'ouderwetse' smaak en een ongelijkmatig kruim, met her en der grote luchtbellen. - http://www.jeroenbaktbrood.nl</p>
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<p class="key">32</p>
<p class="message"><img src="images/de_enk.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message">Educatieve tuin de Enk - Op de educatieve tuin aan De Enk is het altijd gezellig! Kinderen krijgen les op de tuin en wijkbewoners zijn welkom tijdens de activiteiten of om een fijne wandeling te maken. - https://www.natuurstad.nl/de-enk</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/vredestuin.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message">Stichting Vredestuin - Bij de inrichting van de tuinen wordt gebruik gemaakt van permacultuur-principes, zoals het sluiten van kringlopen, het gebruik van nuttige ecologische relaties tussen planten en andere organismen in de tuin, het ontwikkelen van een hoge mate van biodiversiteit, het gebruik van hernieuwbare grondstoffen en diensten en de zonering van en interactie tussen verschillende plantenlagen. De zorg voor de aarde en voor de medemens staat centraal bij de inrichting van de tuin. - https://vredestuin.org/about/</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/4c0a3354-d8f4-4741-a9a1-c6905b7622b5.png"></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/printingoverprofit.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message">Tech Learning Collective is an apprenticeship-based technology school for radical organizers founded in New York City that provides a security-first IT infrastructure curriculum to otherwise underserved communities and organizations advancing social justice causes. We train politically self-motivated individuals in the arts of hypermedia, Information Technology, and radical political practice. Founded and operated exclusively by radical queer and femme technologists, we offer unparalleled free, by-donation, and low-cost computer classes on topics ranging from fundamental computer literacy to the same offensive computer hacking techniques used by national intelligence agencies and military powers (cyber armies). Our students are primarily people of marginalized groups and other individuals who are politically engaged. Unlike coding bootcamps that focus on moving the highest number of students through rote memorization exercises for the goal of job placement, Tech Learning Collective teachers facilitate foundational skill building through Socratic discussion and kinetic, experience-based training.</p>
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<p class="key">22</p>
<p class="message">Technology, taught collectively: https://techlearningcollective.com</p>
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<p class="key">21</p>
<p class="message">Solarpunk Magic Computer Club! https://solarpunk.cool/magic/computer/club/</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/solarpunkcool.png"></p>
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<p class="message">Cooperative technology - By "cooperative technology", we mean technology that is constructed by and for the people whose lives are affected by its use. While this builds on the Free and Open Source Software movement, we aim to apply the same principles to hardware as well, although the criteria by which we evaluate hardware and software will of course not be identical. It is not sufficient to narrowly focus on the people who directly interact with computers. Cooperative software which is run on a server should not be controlled solely by the administrator of the server, but also by the people who interact with the server over a network. - https://cooperativetechnology.codeberg.page</p>
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<p class="message">communal software, renamed https://communalsoftware.codeberg.page</p>
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<p class="key">17</p>
<p class="message">Declaration of Digital Autonomy (draft 0.1): We demand a world in which technology is created to protect and empower the people who use it. Our technology must respect the rights and freedoms of those users. We need to take control for the purpose of collectively building a better world in which technology works in service to the good of human kind, protecting our rights and digital autonomy as individuals - https://techautonomy.org</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/topics-degrowth.png"></p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/degrowth.png"></p>
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<p class="key">14</p>
<p class="message">https://degrowth.nl - The restless expansion of our economies is causing unprecedented crises and threatening our very existence. How do we confront the contradictions between endless economic growth and the ecologi-cal boundaries of our planet? What kind of society would ensure a good life for all, without wealth and power being hoarded by the few? How can we enable a just transition that halts over-ex-traction, over-production and over-consumption? https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fe0bb74fbf4ee0481e60605/t/5ffd79745e7b3b04e40a4599/1610450192286/Degrowth-Call-English</p>
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<p class="key">13</p>
<p class="message">FOOD SOVEREIGNTY is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. https://www.boerengroep.nl/topics/foodsovereignty/</p>
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<p class="key">12</p>
<p class="message">nyeleni.org - newsletter no 43 - Food Sovereignty in a time of pandemic https://nyeleni.org/spip.php?rubrique224</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/inglesfrancesgrande.jpg"></p>
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<p class="message">discussing potential topics, {food/tech/other(?)} sovereignty - how do they relate? what does it mean in the context of NL? what has been done? https://sobtec.gitbooks.io/sobtec2/content/releases/web/sobtech2-EN-with-covers-web-150dpi-2018-01-10-v2.pdf</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/sundaychillz.jpeg"></p>
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<p class="message"><iframe src="pdf/Lynn_Margulis,_Dorion_Sagan_(auth.)_-_Slanted_Truths__Essays_on_Gaia,_Symbiosis_and_Evolution_(1997,_Springer_New_York)_-_libgen.lc.pdf"></iframe></p>
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<p class="message">Crisis. A word that we have heard over an over. But that now has completely different weight. What does it implies right now in the wake of a planetary zoonotic pandemic?. In the same way we want to relearn what “crisis” implies right now, we also want to relearn what "everyday technology” might mean in the same way.</p>
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<p class="message"><img src="images/mappingz.jpeg"></p>