Relearn 2021

Relearning relearn

Right now there is so very much to relearn. We can't assume that we will be able to travel, cross borders, be together indoors, all things that were a given in the previous editions of Relearn. This year, the material conditions of public moments of gathering such as Relearn come under scrutiny: the amount of energy, fuel, safety measures, etc. to make it possible with people coming from different places for a short amount of time.

This is why we are thinking of this edition in terms of focusing on our local, Rotterdam. We do not see this as a turn towards some purely localist vision. We still wish to summon the best of what Relearn can offer: an transnationalist perspective and a chance to experience new and old ideas. We aim to explore the importance of self-organisation and the use of experimental tools to build alternative systems and economies within the urban fabric of Rotterdam. We will be focusing on the materialities of the everyday — e.g. even the most modest of actions, such as purchasing or disposing of any of the trillions of plastic objects causes them to circulate through the twenty-first century and thousands of years into the future.

What is the anarchive

The Relearn anarchive is a collectively generated collection of images, text, references.

How does it work?

The anarchive is populated using a bot inside an XMPP chat.

How to contribute

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