{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} <!-- <iframe src="https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/wordmord.test" height="800" width="800"></iframe> --> <table> <tr> <td> <button onclick="decode()">provoli / show PDF</button> <button id="button1" onclick="transform()">metalucksi PDF / distort PDF</button> <button id="button2" onclick="copy()"> antigrafi keimenou ponikou kodika / copy penal code text</button> <!-- <input type="text" id="my_field" value="" wrap="soft"> --> <textarea name="text" id="my_field" wrap="soft" placeholder="Paste the URL of the PDF here. Κάνε επικόλληση του λινκ εδώ. WordMord believes that the violence of language is not eradicated by merely deleting/erasing words, but rather by transversing their violent imposition through specific practices that trouble and disrupt grammatical consistency, semantic norms, ‘correct’ pronunciation, ‘proper’ bodily posture. The rupture of linguistic limits suggests the possibility of experiencing language in its materiality. WordMord poses questions on the relationship between language, technology, trauma and violence. The collective artistic research will evolve through workshops, presentations and artworks. Through collaborations with artists, activists and groups working on feminist coding,WordMord seeks to shape an online rhizomatic space as an active feminist archive. At the same time, it project will provide tools and methods towards a poetically subversive meta/para/re-writing of derogatory narratives and consequently of trauma and violence. #WordMord´s initial research group: Vassiliea Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis, Angeliki Diakrousi, Christina Karagianni, Stylianos Benetos aka Oýto Arognos, Mounologies: Eleni Diamantouli and Anna Delimpasi. It started in collaboration with the #CNMFPP in 2019. "></textarea> </td> <td> <div> <span id="title3"> perioxi epikollimenou keimenou / pasted text area</span> <textarea name="empty" id="empty_frame" wrap="soft" placeholder="Paste the copied text here. Κάνε επικόλληση του κειμένου εδώ"></textarea> <span id="title1"> epishmeiomenos poinikos kodikas / annotated penal code</span> <div id="initialpdf"> <iframe id="inputpdf" src="" height="800rem" width="800rem"></iframe> </div> <span id="title2">metalucktriomeno PDF / distorted PDF</span> <iframe id="showmonster" src="{{url_for('static', filename='pdf/output.pdf')}}" height="800rem" width="800rem"></iframe> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- WordMord believes that the violence of language is not eradicated by merely deleting/erasing words, but rather by transversing their violent imposition through specific practices that trouble and disrupt grammatical consistency, semantic norms, ‘correct’ pronunciation, ‘proper’ bodily posture. The rupture of linguistic limits suggests the possibility of experiencing language in its materiality. WordMord poses questions on the relationship between language, technology, trauma and violence. The collective artistic research will evolve through workshops, presentations and artworks. Through collaborations with artists, activists and groups working on feminist coding,WordMord seeks to shape an online rhizomatic space as an active feminist archive. At the same time, it project will provide tools and methods towards a poetically subversive meta/para/re-writing of derogatory narratives and consequently of trauma and violence. #WordMord´s initial research group: Vassiliea Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis, Angeliki Diakrousi, Christina Karagianni, Stylianos Benetos aka Oýto Arognos, Mounologies: Eleni Diamantouli and Anna Delimpasi. It started in collaboration with the #CNMFPP in 2019. Tags --> <script> function decode() { var url = document.getElementById("my_field").value; var urlDecode = decodeURIComponent(url); // console.log(urlDecode); document.getElementById("my_field").value = urlDecode; const showpdf = document.getElementById("inputpdf"); var textarea = document.getElementById('my_field'); var result function updateResult() { result.textContent = textarea.value; } textarea.addEventListener('keyup', updateResult); showpdf.src = textarea.value; const pdf = document.getElementById("initialpdf"); pdf.style.visibility = "visible"; const button1 = document.getElementById("button1"); button1.style.visibility = "visible"; const button2 = document.getElementById("button2"); button2.style.visibility = "visible"; const title1 = document.getElementById("title1"); title1.style.visibility = "visible"; // textarea.style.color="#fd69B3"; } function transform() { const show = document.getElementById("showmonster"); show.style.visibility = "visible"; const title2 = document.getElementById("title2"); title2.style.visibility = "visible"; } function copy() { const show = document.getElementById("empty_frame"); show.style.visibility = "visible"; const title3 = document.getElementById("title3"); title3.style.visibility = "visible"; } $(document).ready(function() { $('form').find("input[type='text'],textarea").val(""); }); // extract the text of a pdf/ copy on clipboard </script> {% endblock %}