Project for the Hybrid Publishing thesis award of 2018. By Julie Boschat Thorez and Cristina Cochior.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
4.8 KiB

from flask import Flask, render_template, Markup, jsonify, session, request, send_file
import json
5 years ago
import os
from json import dumps
import collections
import random
import string
from zipfile import ZipFile
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
path = "/static/files/"
max_selected_items = 30
#move this list to Jinja so it can be placed in layout
#give back clicked value
5 years ago
# librarians = ["Alana", "Gentian", "Laurie", "Matias", "Scott", "Stacy", "Max", "Clara_B", "Michelle", "Clara_J_B", "Karen", "Lumsden_Primary_School", "Aaron", "Leo", "Maria", "Laura", "Honey", "Tender_Center", "wdka", "Naomi", "Cristina", "Julie", "ssw", "cyberspace", "Hannah", "Katarina", "Anastasia", "Kimmy", "Marie","Katherine", "Allison", "Mariana", "Viki", "Alice", "Eric", "hks", "cbk", "Sophie", "Antonio", "Jeremiah", "Angela", "Renee", "Marta", "Katherine", "Anna", "Auryn", "Ashley", "Anne", "Denise", "Eva", "Jonnah", "Kitty", "Masha", "Mia", "Cian", "Senke", "Maud", "Jinnie", "Rubin", "Julia", "Alana", "Gentian", "Laurie", "Matias","Scott", "Stacy"]
5 years ago
librarians = []
5 years ago
files_without_folders = []
with open('static/js/mergedjson.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as filesandnames:
filetoname_dict = json.load(filesandnames)
5 years ago
#get full list librarians from json (printed later through global variable)
for file in filetoname_dict:
for name in file["librarian"]:
librarians = list(dict.fromkeys(librarians))
#this value we should get from template
5 years ago
librarianselected = "Ruben"
#go from librarian name to file
for file in filetoname_dict:
5 years ago
# if librarianselected in file["librarian"]:
thedebris = file["debrisname"]
#apply regex to the debris
thedebris = os.path.basename(thedebris)
# print(str(librarianselected)+" contributed with the following debris : "+str(thedebris))
#this value we should get from template
5 years ago
fileselected = filetoname_dict[1]["debrisname"]
#go from file name to librarian name
for file in filetoname_dict:
5 years ago
if fileselected in file["debrisname"]:
thelibrarian = file["librarian"]
print("librarians for "+ str(fileselected)+" are: " + str(thelibrarian))
5 years ago
# preparing a index.json file of files
index_dict = {}
@app.route("/", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def home():
if request.args:
# We have our query string nicely serialized as a Python dictionary
args = request.args
# We'll create a string to display the parameters & values
# serialized = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in request.args.items())
# Display the query string to the client in a different format
# return f"(Query) {serialized}", 200
urllibrarian=request.args.getlist('librarian') # new
urlmethod=request.args.getlist('method') # new
for a in urllibrarian:
print('urllibrarian is: '+ a)
for b in urlmethod:
print('urlmethod is: ' + b)
#unsure if Im really using that for now I think not
# selected = "textbysomeone"
# selections = collections.deque(session['selection'], maxlen=max_selected_items) #?
# selections.append(selected)
# session['selection'] = list(selections)
return render_template('layout.html', urllibrarian=urllibrarian, urlmethod=urlmethod, filetoname_dict=filetoname_dict, librarians=librarians, files_without_folders = files_without_folders) # new
def about():
selectedstuff = session['selection']
return render_template('about.html', selectedstuff=selectedstuff)
def exchange():
return render_template('exchange.html')
4 years ago
# @app.route('/test/', methods=['GET','POST'])
# def test():
# print("test")
# clicked=None
# bundle = ""
# # zipObj = ZipFile(bundle, 'w')
# if request.method == "POST":
# # clicked=request.form['data']
# listofselecteddocs = request.get_json()
# print("hallo")
# print(listofselecteddocs)
# print("hola")
# with ZipFile(bundle, 'w') as zipObj2:
# # Add multiple files to the zip
# readmeabsname = 'static/default-files/hello.txt'
# readmearcname = "hello.txt"
# zipObj2.write(readmeabsname,readmearcname)
# for doc in listofselecteddocs:
# absname = 'static/files/'+doc
# print(doc)
# arcname = os.path.basename(doc)
# zipObj2.write(absname, arcname)
# return send_file(bundle, mimetype='application/zip', attachment_filename="", as_attachment=True)