import flask, random, datetime, json from flask import request, jsonify import sqlite3 from flask import g from multiprocessing import Value import pytz from tokens import secrettoken1, secrettoken2, f1, f2 from removed_words import delWords from refused_words import refWords from refusal_messages import refusal_messages from intact_words import intact app = flask.Flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder='static') app.config["DEBUG"] = True counter = Value('i', 0) DATABASE = 'queermottoapi.db' availableWords = open('static/files/RNN_EditedText.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8') wordList = wordList = wordList.split() seedText = "not for self but for all" seedTextList = seedText.split() tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin') for word in wordList: for delword in delWords: if word == delword: wordList.remove(word) def build_error_one(): refusalOne = 'Your motto request is refused. REFUSAL 400: ' + random.choice(refusal_messages) return(refusalOne) def build_error_two(): refusalTwo = 'Your motto request is refused. REFUSAL 401: ' + random.choice(refusal_messages) return(refusalTwo) def build_error_three(): refusalThree = 'Your motto request is refused. REFUSAL 402: ' + random.choice(refusal_messages) return(refusalThree) # Generating a dict that will be used for the phrases when called upon toChooseFrom = {} def build_word_dict(): for i in range(len(seedTextList)): # Current word in the seed phrase current = seedTextList[i] # Going through the letters in the above word for y in range(len(current)): charNeeded = current[y] for item in wordList: if item not in intact: item = item.lower() if (len(item)-1) >= y: addKey = str(y) + item[y] if addKey not in toChooseFrom.keys(): toChooseFrom[addKey] = [] toChooseFrom[addKey].append(item) else: toChooseFrom[addKey].append(item) build_word_dict() # Importing the database and turning it into dictionaries def make_dicts(cursor, row): return dict((cursor.description[idx][0], value) for idx, value in enumerate(row)) def get_db(): db = getattr(g, '_database', None) if db is None: db = g._database = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE) return db @app.teardown_appcontext def close_connection(exception): db = getattr(g, '_database', None) if db is not None: db.close() def query_db(query, args=(), one=False): cur = get_db().execute(query, args) rv = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv def add_db(api_phrase_str,timestamp,org,seedText,request_type): query = "INSERT INTO mottos (generated_motto,timestamp,organisation,seedtext,request_type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)" args = (api_phrase_str,timestamp,org,seedText,request_type) try: con = get_db() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query, args) con.commit() except Error as error: print(error) finally: cur.close() con.close() def add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message): query = "INSERT INTO mottos (timestamp,organisation,seedtext,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)" args = (timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) try: con = get_db() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query, args) con.commit() except Error as error: print(error) finally: cur.close() con.close() def add_other_db(timestamp,seedText,request_type): query = "INSERT INTO mottos (timestamp,seedtext,request_type) VALUES (?,?,?)" args = (timestamp,seedText,request_type) try: con = get_db() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query, args) con.commit() except Error as error: print(error) finally: cur.close() con.close() @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def home(): return '''

Queer API

A prototype API.

''' @app.route('/queermottoAPI/r1/refusal', methods=['GET']) def api_args(): moment = timestamp = moment.__str__() rqstr = str(request.args['rq']) if rqstr == "all_log": all_slogans = query_db('SELECT * FROM mottos;') moment = timestamp = moment.__str__() request_type = 'all_log request' add_other_db(timestamp,seedText,request_type) with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 return jsonify(all_slogans) if rqstr == "motto_log": success_slogans = query_db('SELECT generated_motto,timestamp,organisation,seedtext FROM mottos WHERE generated_motto IS NOT NULL AND generated_motto!="";') moment = request_type = 'motto_log request' add_other_db(timestamp,seedText,request_type) with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 timestamp = moment.__str__() return jsonify(success_slogans) if 'org' in request.args: orgVal = str(request.args['org']) orgVal = bytes(orgVal, encoding='utf-8') if (rqstr == "generate" and orgVal == f1.decrypt(secrettoken1)) or (rqstr == "generate" and orgVal == f2.decrypt(secrettoken2)): if orgVal == f1.decrypt(secrettoken1): org = "transmediale" elif orgVal == f2.decrypt(secrettoken2): org = "test" # Generate the motto api_phrase_str = '' for i in range(len(seedTextList)): # Current word in the seed phrase current = seedTextList[i] # Going through the letters in the above word api_phrase = [] for y in range(len(current)): testKey = str(y) + current[y] # print(current[y],random.choice(toChooseFrom[testKey])) api_phrase.append(random.choice(toChooseFrom[testKey])) api_phrase[0] = api_phrase[0].capitalize() api_phrase_str_word = ' '.join(api_phrase) api_phrase_str = api_phrase_str + '\\n' + api_phrase_str_word api_phrase_str_word = '' api_phrase_str = api_phrase_str[2:] request_type = 'generate request' # Check if one of the words has been refused for elem in refWords: if elem in api_phrase_str: refusal_code = 400 refusal_message = build_error_one() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 return jsonify(refusal_message) # Check the date moment = if (moment.month==3 and or (moment.month==5 and or (moment.month==7 and refusal_code = 402 refusal_message = build_error_three() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 return jsonify(refusal_message) # Check if the counter is smaller than 10 out = counter.value if out < 10: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 out = counter.value add_db(api_phrase_str,timestamp,org,seedText,request_type) return jsonify(api_phrase_str) else: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value = 0 refusal_code = 402 refusal_message = build_error_three() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) else: moment = timestamp = moment.__str__() refusal_code = 401 refusal_message = build_error_two() org = 'someone' request_type = 'unknown request' out = counter.value if out < 10: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 out = counter.value add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) else: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value = 0 refusal_code = 402 refusal_message = build_error_three() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) @app.errorhandler(400) def error_fourzerozero(e): moment = timestamp = moment.__str__() refusal_code = 401 refusal_message = build_error_two() org = 'someone' request_type = 'unknown request' out = counter.value if out < 10: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) else: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value = 0 refusal_code = 402 refusal_message = build_error_three() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) @app.errorhandler(404) def error_fourzerofour(e): moment = timestamp = moment.__str__() refusal_code = 401 refusal_message = build_error_two() org = 'someone' request_type = 'unknown request' out = counter.value if out < 10: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) else: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value = 0 refusal_code = 402 refusal_message = build_error_three() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) @app.errorhandler(500) def error_fivezerozero(e): moment = timestamp = moment.__str__() refusal_code = 401 refusal_message = build_error_two() org = 'someone' request_type = 'unknown request' out = counter.value if out < 10: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) else: with counter.get_lock(): counter.value = 0 refusal_code = 402 refusal_message = build_error_three() add_error_db(timestamp,org,seedText,request_type,refusal_code,refusal_message) return jsonify(refusal_message) #