*FR → LISEZMOI.md* **Work in progress, if you encounter any issues regarding installation or understanding what this is all about, please send an email to contact@martinlemaire.fr or open an issue here and i'll be happy to answer** A browsable webpage generated from a textual database you might want to use as a browser homepage. You can edit the database by editing the file called BOOKMARKS or by running the provided script called edit_bookmarks_dmenu.sh (requires dmenu). The script can be ran from the command line but I suggest to bind it to a keystroke combination. If you want to try with an example BOOKMARKS database (32kb) : ``` curl -O https://martinlemaire.fr/signet.sh/BOOKMARKS ``` then ``` git clone https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/clemtre/signet.sh.git chmod +x signet.sh ./signet.sh ``` It produces the following html document : index.html ![a browsable bookmark manager](https://www.martinlemaire.fr/signet.sh/demo.png) A sample of its corresponding textual database, in the form of blankline separated records with key/value fields : BOOKMARKS ``` URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/HEX_(Unifont) Name: HEX (Unifont) - Just Solve the File Format Problem Description: Tags: bbb, hex Date: 1704636690 Color: Pink URL: http://robhagemans.github.io/monobit/ Name: Hoard of bitfonts Description: Bitmap fonts collection Tags: bitmap, fonts Date: 1704639859 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wish_(Unix_shell) Name: wish (Unix shell) - Wikipedia Description: a Tcl interpreter extended with Tk commands for unix. Tags: gui, wish, tcl Date: 1704646543 URL: https://www.kreativekorp.com/ Name: Rebecca G. Bettencourt Description: Tags: RGB, people, hide Date: 1704648764 ``` Given this database, signet will color the first link in pink and hide the last one because of its "hide" tag. # Presentation ## signet.sh Signet.sh is a shell script parsing a bookmark database to a webpage. It uses awk inside a here-doc declaration redirected to an html file. I have created this script because I found the bookmarks manager from firefox not great to use, to the point where I did not have the habit to bookmark my browsing journeys. Firefox stores bookmarks in a sqlite which is not human readable. Although it allows an export in json and html, I wanted something text based and personal. ## Bookmarks database format Only a Url is required, the rest of the fields are optional : * URL : the url pasted from the clipboard (exits if no url given) * Name : grabs from the bookmarked page with curl * Description : a description from the user * Tags : comma separated keywords * Date : posix time of the bookmarked link * Color : css color (name, hex, rgb etc...) ## index.html structure ⛵ → $(date "+%g-%m-%d, %H:%M")