URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Parameter-Expansion.html Name: Shell Parameter Expansion (Bash Reference Manual) Description: Tags: shell,unix,variable expansion Date: 1701958222 URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/index.html#SEC_Contents Name: Top (Bash Reference Manual) Description: Tags: shell,bash,unix,doc Date: 1701970255 URL: http://katzele.netlib.re/articles/extension-francium/index.html Name: Étendre Francium : Quelques exemples pratiques Description: Tags: shell,unix,ssg Date: 1701970815 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70258112/how-to-replace-string-in-golang Name: go - How to replace string in Golang? - Stack Overflow Description: Tags: go,string,sub Date: 1702043905 URL: https://we.lurk.org/archives/list/permacomputing@we.lurk.org/thread/NJ6OAK2LSOPTK6GZ75M57VGTXKWLTXSJ/#7TLT6FC7JFT2LGBXFCMVTOA5U6OFQMEM Name: Permacomputing and simplicity - Permacomputing - LURK Description: Tags: manetta,typesetting,latex,:TOhtml Date: 1702052548 URL: https://accessibilite.numerique.gouv.fr/ Name: Référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité - RGAA Description: Tags: gouv,rgaa,accessibiltty,a11y Date: 1702056802 URL: https://xwmx.github.io/nb/ Name: nb · command line and local web plain text note-taking,bookmarking,archiving,and knowledge base application Description: Tags: note Date: 1702062822 URL: https://permacomputing.net/ Name: permacomputing Description: Tags: permacomputing Date: 1702113302 URL: https://podv2.unistra.fr/video/52277-techdays-14-open-barre-marc-chantreux/ Name: Techdays 14 - Open Barre,Marc Chantreux Description: Tags: marc chantreux,floss,strasbourg Date: 1702114290 URL: https://highlightjs.org/#usage Name: highlight.js Description: Tags: syntax,js Date: 1702127994 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ttw2Dihn8 Name: Fast & Minimal Blog Using POSIX Shell and Markdown Description: Tags: posix,ssg,shell,unix Date: 1702145108 URL: https://romanzolotarev.com/ssg.html Name: make a static site with find(1),grep(1),and lowdown or Markdown.pl — rgz.ee Description: Tags: ssg,shell,posix Date: 1702145461 URL: https://kristaps.bsd.lv/lowdown/ Name: lowdown — simple markdown translator Description: Tags: lowdown,markdown,unix,roff Date: 1702152878 URL: https://memoire.quaternum.net/telechargement/fauchie-antoine-vers-un-systeme-modulaire-de-publication-cc-by-nc-sa.pdf Name: Vers un système modulaire de publication : éditer avec le numérique – Antoine Fauchié - PDF Description: Tags: memoire,antoine fauchié Date: 1702161741 URL: https://memoire.quaternum.net/ Name: Vers un système modulaire de publication : éditer avec le numérique – Antoine Fauchié Description: Tags: people,hide Date: 1702161760 URL: https://reciperunner.com/chewy-ginger-molasses-cookies/ Name: Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies - Recipe Runner Description: Tags: recette, ginger Date: 1702221267 URL: https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/groff_ms.7.html Name: groff_ms(7) - Linux manual page Description: Tags: groff, ms Date: 1702221669 URL: https://www.asterisk.org/ Name: Home ⋆ Asterisk Description: Tags: gateway, sms Date: 1702243178 URL: https://isotropic.co/tool/hex-color-to-css-filter/ Name: Hex Color To CSS Filter Converter - Isotropic Description: Tags: css, filter Date: 1702256444 URL: https://diazoservice.fr/ Name: DIAZO SERVICE - Impression Numérisation Tirage de Plans Poitiers Description: Tags: imprimeur, poitiers Date: 1702296502 URL: https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.html#synopsis Name: NCURSES – New Curses Description: Tags: ncurses, unix Date: 1702308081 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordered_dithering Name: Ordered dithering - Wikipedia Description: Tags: dithering, bayer Date: 1702315817 URL: https://linuxhandbook.com/list-only-directories/ Name: List Only Directories in Linux With ls and Other Commands Description: Tags: ls, unix Date: 1702329267 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_squares Name: Marching squares - Wikipedia Description: Tags: algo Date: 1702339031 URL: https://unifoundry.com/210205_Unifoundry_Memorandum.pdf Name: Unifoundry_Memorandum_210205 Description: Tags: unifont Date: 1702386161 URL: https://unifoundry.com/LICENSE.txt Name: Unifont LICENSE.txt (GPLv2 + SIL) Description: Tags: unifont Date: 1702386225 URL: https://unifoundry.com/pub/unifont/unifont-15.1.04/doxygen/unifont-doxy.pdf Name: Unifont utilities doc Description: Tags: unifont Date: 1702389348 URL: http://czyborra.com/unicode/motivation.html Name: Why do we need Unicode? Description: Tags: unicode Date: 1702390047 URL: http://czyborra.com/unicode/terminals.html Name: Unicode Terminals Description: Tags: terminals, unicode Date: 1702390258 URL: https://typotheque.genderfluid.space/quni.html Name: QUNI (Queer Unicode Initiative) Description: Tags: quni, bbb Date: 1702395339 URL: https://www.fosslinux.com/134422/customizing-vim-advanced-syntax-highlighting-techniques.htm Name: Customizing Vim: Advanced Syntax Highlighting Techniques Description: vim syntax highlighting Tags: vim, syntax Date: 1702396624 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphologie_math%C3%A9matique Name: Morphologie mathématique — Wikipédia Description: Tags: fontbender, yann Date: 1702397067 URL: https://framablog.org/2019/09/24/deframasoftisons-internet/ Name: Déframasoftisons Internet ! – Framablog Description: Tags: framasoft Date: 1702400484 URL: https://www.thechefsgardener.com/oven-dried-chili-peppers/ Name: How to dry Peppers - Ideal for all types of peppers - Description: Tags: recette Date: 1702412363 URL: https://a-g-i.org/design/ultramarin-typeface Name: Ultramarin Typeface – Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) – 512 creative professionals from 46 countries Finn Sködt – Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) – 512 creative professionals from 46 countries Description: Tags: tyoe Date: 1702414631 URL: https://jurasic.dev/marching_squares/ Name: Marching Squares | Metaballs in JavaScript Description: Tags: marching squares Date: 1702414789 URL: https://www.busybox.net/kill_it_with_fire.txt Name: kill_it_with_fire Description: Tags: busybox, systemd Date: 1702430938 URL: https://www.busybox.net/ Name: BusyBox Description: Tags: unix Date: 1702430949 URL: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page Name: Wikibooks Description: Tags: wiki Date: 1702431492 URL: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Vegan_Cuisine Name: Cookbook:Vegan Cuisine - Wikibooks, open books for an open world Description: Tags: wiki Date: 1702431659 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798562/why-use-make-over-a-shell-script Name: makefile - Why use make over a shell script? - Stack Overflow Description: Tags: make, shell Date: 1702433332 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expert_system Name: Expert system - Wikipedia Description: Tags: cs Date: 1702433541 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Illich#Critique_de_la_technique Name: Ivan Illich — Wikipédia Description: Tags: illich, technique Date: 1702478517 URL: https://linuxfr.org/news/des-nouvelles-de-weasyprint-ou-comment-developper-du-libre-a-presque-plein-temps Name: Des nouvelles de WeasyPrint, ou comment développer du libre à (presque) plein temps - LinuxFr.org Description: Tags: 2print, weasyprint Date: 1702501907 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibi-binary Name: Bibi-binary - Wikipedia Description: Tags: bbb Date: 1702564898 URL: https://makestaticsite.sh/ Name: MakeStaticSite – Generate and deploy static websites with Bash! Description: Tags: unix, ssg Date: 1702572684 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCRx78Zhj7s&t=13s Name: Worst Juicer Ever Created - YouTube Description: Tags: internet of things Date: 1702634219 URL: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1024091/how-can-i-record-the-screen-or-screencast-in-text-mode Name: virtual console - How can I record the screen (or screencast) in text mode? - Ask Ubuntu Description: Tags: tty, recorder Date: 1702676923 URL: https://man.uex.se/1/mutool Name: mutool - all purpose tool for dealing with PDF files Description: Tags: pdf, unix Date: 1702680462 URL: https://marc.info/ Name: MARC: Mailing list ARChives Description: Tags: bsd, victor Date: 1702681672 URL: https://docs.asciinema.org/manual/ Name: Manual - asciinema docs Description: Tags: Date: 1702689046 URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/manual/groff.html.node/Filling.html Name: Filling (The GNU Troff Manual) Description: Tags: manman, groff Date: 1702735147 URL: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/dmr/ Name: Exhibits for DocEng22 Paper on Dennis Ritchie's Thesis Description: Tags: brailsford, richie, paper, type Date: 1702741397 URL: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/dmr/dmr.thesis.am.pdf Name: Program Structure and Computational Complexity, Denis Ritchie, 1968 Description: Tags: richie, paper, dmr Date: 1702742154 URL: https://www.igalerie.quennec.fr/trucs-astuces/syst%C3%A8mes/gnulinux/programmation-shell-sous-gnulinux/les-bases-de-la-programmation-shell/les-structures-de-contr%C3%B4le/case Name: case - MonPenseBete Description: Tags: shell, case Date: 1702778079 URL: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/68931/what-is-the-difference-between-italics-and-slanted-text Name: fonts - What is the difference between italics and slanted text? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange Description: Tags: typo Date: 1702785674 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asterism_(typography) Name: Asterism (typography) - Wikipedia Description: Tags: typo Date: 1702820253 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ast%C3%A9risme_(typographie) Name: Astérisme (typographie) — Wikipédia Description: Tags: typo Date: 1702820362 URL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.fr.html Name: Guide rapide de la GPLv3 - Projet GNU - Free Software Foundation Description: Tags: gpl, license Date: 1702835230 URL: https://unifoundry.com/utf8gen/utf8gen.pdf Name: Description: Tags: unicode, unifont, hardy Date: 1702836162 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItwmJ6PJGvs Name: Unremarkable and odd places in Assassin's Creed - YouTube Description: Tags: Date: 1702849501 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4dYwEyjZcY Name: HTML: Poison or Panacea? (HTML Part2) - Computerphile - YouTube Description: Tags: brailsford Date: 1702858165 URL: https://epha.univ-paris8.fr/alexandre-taalba Name: Alexandre Taalba - EPHA - Université Paris 8 - Université Paris 8 EPHA - Université Paris 8 Description: Tags: anar, daph Date: 1702861774 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNAF6mkJfn8 Name: Gprinter 6 Inch Wide Format Thermal Label/Receipt Printer 6200DC - YouTube Description: Tags: Date: 1702868730 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fax Name: Fax - Wikipedia Description: Tags: fax Date: 1702870265 URL: https://www.canon.fr/business/products/production-printers/continuous-feed-printers/ Name: Continuous Feed Printers - Canon France Description: Tags: thermal Date: 1702871136 URL: https://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_scones_12369.aspx Name: Scones : Recette de Scones Description: Tags: recette Date: 1702910487 URL: https://annas-archive.org/scidb/10.1068/b230443?scidb_verified=1 Name: Just a moment... Description: Tags: shape grammars Date: 1702919876 URL: https://www.curseurs.be/ Name: curseurs - Numérique : repères critiques Description: Tags: erg, alice, peggy, lecture Date: 1702944795 URL: https://codedunumerique.be/ Name: Code du Numérique – Pour que le numérique s'adapte à l'humain et non l'inverse Description: Tags: belgique, ue, droits, bx Date: 1702944897 URL: https://maitresselunicole.fr/ Name: Maîtresse Lunicole – Bienvenue chez Maîtresse Lunicole. Ressources pédagogiques pour les cycles 1, 2 et 3 ! Description: Tags: raph Date: 1702945801 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKzonnwoR2I Name: Unix Pipeline (Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile - YouTube Description: Tags: unix, pipeline Date: 1702977874 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT_J6xc-Az0 Name: UNIX Special: Profs Kernighan & Brailsford - Computerphile - YouTube Description: Tags: unix, brailsford, kernighan Date: 1702978927 URL: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/ Name: Brian Kernighan's Home Page Description: Tags: kernighan, awk Date: 1702982360 URL: https://iwp9.org/ Name: 10th International Workshop on Plan 9 Description: Tags: plan9, event Date: 1702983266 URL: https://rkrishnan.org/posts/2016-03-07-how-is-gopl-typeset.html Name: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan - Brian Kernighan on the typesetting of "The Go Programming Language" book Description: Tags: roff, kernighan Date: 1702984674 URL: https://rkrishnan.org/posts/2015-04-21-debruijn-sequence.html Name: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan - Finding the index of a 1 in a bitmap Description: Tags: bitmap Date: 1702984850 URL: http://supertech.csail.mit.edu/papers/debruijn.pdf Name: Using de Bruijn Sequences toIndex a 1 in a Computer Word Description: Tags: bitmap, paper Date: 1702984881 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ORWaIqyj7k Name: #VimConf2021: Writing, Editing and World-Building at the speed of thought with Vim - YouTube Description: Tags: vim, conf Date: 1703077680 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Mythe_du_mois-homme Name: Le Mythe du mois-homme — Wikipédia Description: Tags: brailsford Date: 1703081007 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pas_de_balle_en_argent Name: Pas de balle en argent — Wikipédia Description: Tags: brailsford Date: 1703081018 URL: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/rendering.html#presentational-hints Name: HTML Standard Description: Tags: html,spec Date: 1703090975 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-system Name: L-system - Wikipedia Description: Tags: lsystem Date: 1703109705 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2202269/best-way-to-add-dom-elements-with-jquery Name: javascript - Best way to add DOM elements with jQuery - Stack Overflow Description: Tags: jquery Date: 1703113830 URL: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/526129/using-sed-to-replace-a-with-a-b-or-c Name: random - Using sed to replace "A" with a "B" or "C" - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange Description: Tags: sed Date: 1703205721 URL: https://st.suckless.org/ Name: st - simple terminal | suckless.org software that sucks less Description: Tags: suckless, st Date: 1703282151 URL: https://martijnvos.dev/setting-up-the-st-terminal/ Name: Setting up the st terminal — martijnvos.dev Description: Tags: doc, st, suckess Date: 1703367461 URL: https://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html Name: fonts-conf Description: Tags: font, fontconfig Date: 1703367796 URL: https://brianbuccola.com/how-to-build-and-install-st-suckless-simple-terminal-from-source-on-arch-linux/ Name: Brian Buccola · How to build and install st (suckless simple terminal) from source on Arch Linux Description: Tags: doc Date: 1703368891 URL: https://brianbuccola.com/references-and-footnotes-in-html-css/ Name: Brian Buccola · References and footnotes in HTML/CSS Description: Tags: footnotes, css, html Date: 1703369052 URL: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Font#Unihex_provider Name: Font – Minecraft Wiki Description: Tags: minecraft, font, unifont Date: 1703378725 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfhMUed9RSE Name: An AWK love story -- Cody Mello - YouTube Description: Tags: awk Date: 1703379400 URL: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Creating_your_own_syntax_files Name: Creating your own syntax files | Vim Tips Wiki | Fandom Description: Tags: vim, hl, highlight, syntax Date: 1703465070 URL: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/21061/cleanly-swap-all-occurences-of-two-strings-using-sed Name: Cleanly swap all occurences of two strings using sed - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange Description: Tags: sed, doc Date: 1703605281 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6373379/using-awk-with-variables Name: shell - Using awk with variables - Stack Overflow Description: Tags: awk, doc Date: 1703605837 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1569066/awk-command-to-accept-two-variables-as-parameters-and-return-a-value Name: unix - awk command to accept two variables as parameters and return a value - Stack Overflow Description: "'hairy quoting'" Tags: awk, doc Date: 1703605896 URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/Numeric-Functions.html Name: Numeric Functions (The GNU Awk User’s Guide) Description: cos() sin() Tags: awk, functions Date: 1703606613 URL: https://march.international/machines-as-literary-companions/ Name: Machines as Literary Companions – MARCH Description: Tags: geijs Date: 1703609307 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5aQxIdjT0M Name: Awk: Hack the planet['s text]! (Presentation) - 2023 Update - YouTube Description: Tags: awk, doc Date: 1703613115 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language Name: Domain-specific language - Wikipedia Description: Tags: dsl, language, awk Date: 1703613186 URL: https://xavki.blog/?s=awk Name: Vous avez cherché awk - Xavki Description: Tags: awk, doc Date: 1703688122 URL: https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/utilisation_avancee_du_clavier#afficher_et_imprimer_l_agencement_courant Name: tutoriel:utilisation_avancee_du_clavier [Wiki ubuntu-fr] Description: Tags: chars, clavier, bindings Date: 1703688358 URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/ Name: GNU roff (groff) — a GNU project Description: Tags: groff, doc Date: 1703703387 URL: https://www.quut.com/berlin/ms/ms.html Name: Formatting documents with ms Description: Tags: troff, doc Date: 1703703702 URL: https://www.quut.com/berlin/me/notes.html Name: The nighttime letters Description: Tags: read Date: 1703703856 URL: https://www.tridistribution.fr/engrenage-a-moyeu-acier-module-2-pas-de-6-28mm/3591-2840-engrenage-module-2.html#/24-dents-12/339-de-28/2095-o_d-18/2099-dp-24/2110-o_d-10 Name: Engrenage à moyeu, Module 2 Description: Tags: engrenage, plieuse Date: 1703717587 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khblXafu7iA Name: An introduction to Raymarching - YouTube Description: Tags: raymarching Date: 1703718480 URL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1705366 Name: Parametric Gear customizer with bevel teeth and many options by mistertech - Thingiverse Description: Tags: 3d print, manoha Date: 1703719296 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livre_(document) Name: Livre (document) — Wikipédia Description: Tags: livre Date: 1703775936 URL: https://www.troff.org/pubs.html Name: Publications that use troff Description: Tags: troff, books, troff2print Date: 1703806443 URL: https://www.troff.org/ Name: troff.org — the Text Processor for Typesetters Description: Tags: troff Date: 1703806463 URL: http://www.silicon-press.com/books/type.html Name: Silicon Press: Unix Typesetting Books Description: Tags: Date: 1703806639 URL: http://katzele.netlib.re/kit.html Name: kit Description: Tags: katzele, git Date: 1704195207 URL: https://joearms.github.io/published/2014-06-25-minimal-viable-program.html Name: MVP program Description: Tags: read, mvp, code Date: 1704195416 URL: https://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/ Name: Texinfo - GNU Documentation System - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) Description: Tags: single source, ssp, textinfo, gnu Date: 1704213287 URL: https://kaip.iki.fi/2021/01/02/openbsd.html Name: Hacking OpenBSD server for the new year Description: Tags: openbsd, bsd, server, vps Date: 1704240052 URL: https://buzut.net/apprendre-commande-sed-linux/ Name: Sed par l'exemple : devenez expert de la commande Linux sed – Buzut Description: Tags: sed, ssg Date: 1704242882 URL: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875 Name: Description: Tags: cgi, apache Date: 1704297081 URL: https://nokogiri.org/ Name: Nokogiri Description: Tags: htmlq, pug, html parser Date: 1704302535 URL: https://lexborisov.github.io/myhtml/ Name: MyHTML — HTML Parser on Pure C with POSIX Threads Support by Alexander Borisov Description: Tags: html parser, c, html, xml Date: 1704304131 URL: https://pango.gnome.org/ScriptGallery Name: Script Gallery - Pango Description: Tags: pango, nko Date: 1704332862 URL: https://cairographics.org/samples/ Name: Cairo samples Description: 2d lib, c, svg Tags: Date: 1704334447 URL: https://gitlab.com/nodiscc/awesome-linuxaudio Name: nodiscc / awesome-linuxaudio · GitLab Description: Tags: audio, linux Date: 1704377905 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklaus_Wirth Name: Niklaus Wirth - Wikipedia Description: Tags: pascal, people, hide Date: 1704456097 URL: https://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/Tech/cgi-safe.html Name: Writing Safe CGI Programs Description: Tags: cgi, shell, sec, websec, harvard Date: 1704510517 URL: https://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/ Name: Thomas A. Fine Description: Tags: people,hide, harvard Date: 1704510633 URL: https://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/Tech/bdfedit.html Name: Tom's X11 BDF Font Editor Description: Tags: bdf, x11 Date: 1704510669 URL: https://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/Tech/x11fonts.html Name: Tom's X11 Fonts Description: font, bdf Tags: Date: 1704510856 URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/PCF Name: PCF - Just Solve the File Format Problem Description: Tags: pcf, format Date: 1704635650 URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Main_Page Name: Just Solve the File Format Problem Description: Tags: wiki Date: 1704636176 URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/HEX_(Unifont) Name: HEX (Unifont) - Just Solve the File Format Problem Description: Tags: bbb, hex Date: 1704636690 URL: http://robhagemans.github.io/monobit/ Name: Hoard of bitfonts Description: Tags: bitmap, fonts Date: 1704639859 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wish_(Unix_shell) Name: wish (Unix shell) - Wikipedia Description: Tags: gui, wish, tcl Date: 1704646543 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tk_(software) Name: Tk (software) - Wikipedia Description: Tags: gui, bsd Date: 1704646583 URL: https://www.kreativekorp.com/ Name: Rebecca G. Bettencourt Description: Tags: RGB, people,hide Date: 1704648764 URL: https://github.com/kreativekorp/bitsnpicas Name: GitHub - kreativekorp/bitsnpicas: Bits'N'Picas - Bitmap & Emoji Font Creation & Conversion Tools Description: Tags: ttf Date: 1704648936 URL: https://github.com/RebeccaRGB/keyboards Name: GitHub - RebeccaRGB/keyboards: Diagrams of various keyboards Description: Tags: keyboard, schema Date: 1704652903 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1132135/is-perl-faster-than-bash Name: Is Perl faster than bash? - Stack Overflow Description: Tags: perl Date: 1704653570 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation Name: Forsyth–Edwards Notation - Wikipedia Description: Tags: chess Date: 1704654633 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APL_(programming_language) Name: APL (programming language) - Wikipedia Description: Tags: apl Date: 1704655170 URL: https://typebits.gitlab.io/new-font/ Name: Creating a new font - Type:Bits Description: Tags: bmf Date: 1704661107 URL: https://typebits.gitlab.io/ Name: Type:Bits Description: Tags: Date: 1704661144 URL: http://graphicore.de/de/archive/2015-07-28_hello_metapolator Name: Hello Metapolator | Tagebucheintrag | graphicore.de Description: Tags: people,hide, font Date: 1704661852 URL: https://www.escueladeartetomelloso.org/oferta-educativa/grafica-interactiva/finalidad Name: Finalidad Description: Tags: formation Date: 1704662011 URL: http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan/metafont.html Name: Page web d'Anthony Phan, Metafont Description: Tags: poitiers, metafont Date: 1704662262 URL: http://www-math.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/ Name: Mathématiques - Université de Poitiers Description: Tags: formation, poitiers Date: 1704662500 URL: http://luc.devroye.org/about.html Name: About On Snot and Fonts Description: Tags: font, type, people,hide Date: 1704663495 URL: * Name: 301 Moved Permanently fn.sh - This is a premium name Description: Tags: ?? Date: 1704663515 URL: http://luc.devroye.org/ Name: Luc Devroye's Home Page Description: Tags: Date: 1704663592 URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorinda_Cherry Name: Lorinda Cherry - Wikipedia Description: Tags: unix, people,hide Date: 1704664033 URL: https://tikz.dev/ Name: PGF/TikZ Manual - Complete Online Documentation Description: Tags: Date: 1704664902 URL: https://contextgarden.net/MetaFun_-_MetaPost_in_ConTeXt Name: MetaFun - MetaPost in ConTeXt - Wiki Description: Tags: context, metafun, metapost Date: 1704664961 URL: http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/metafun-p.pdf Name: metafun-p.pdf - Hans Hagen Description: hans hagen Tags: doc, metafun, metapost Date: 1704667123 URL: https://www.pragma-ade.com/show-dem.pdf#[0,{%22name%22:%22Fit%22}] Name: show-dem.pdf Description: Tags: Date: 1704667334 URL: https://www.pragma-ade.com/itdemos/internal/spell/spell-96.pdf#[0,{%22name%22:%22Fit%22}] Name: Description: Tags: Date: 1704667344 URL: https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/abcde.html#bugs Name: Knuth: Computers and Typesetting Description: Tags: euler, metafont Date: 1704669545 URL: https://www.metaflop.com/ Name: hello world | metaflop Description: Tags: metafont Date: 1704670639 URL: http://advi.inria.fr/ Name: Active-DVI Description: Tags: inria, dvi Date: 1704671264 URL: https://math.berkeley.edu/~vojta/prn/filetypes.html Name: Viewing and Printing Certain File Types Description: Tags: tex,dvi Date: 1704671588 URL: https://si3t.ch/pub/public_bookmarks.html Name: prx's public links Description: Tags: links Date: 1704672101 URL: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code Name: Rosetta Code Description: Tags: literacy Date: 1704675057 URL: https://www.emigre.com/TypeSpecimens Name: Emigre: Type Specimens Description: Tags: emigre, type Date: 1704680644 URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20211025182257/http://len.falken.ink/ Name: Wayback Machine Description: Tags: read Date: 1704712747 URL: http://len.falken.directory/p-lang/100-year-programs.txt Name: Description: Tags: read Date: 1704712894 URL: https://subpixel.space/entries/open-transclude/#tutorial-start Name: Open Transclude Description: Tags: transclusion, iframe, zeste Date: 1704713464 URL: https://transjovian.org/view/web-sites/index Name: The text and the code go hand in hand Description: Tags: ssg Date: 1704713591 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correspondance_litt%C3%A9raire%2C_philosophique_et_critique Name: Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique — Wikipédia Description: Tags: print, publication Date: 1704737106 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VKVBxXmY8M Name: Comprendre les expressions régulières - YouTube Description: Tags: regex Date: 1704839668 URL: https://www.inkandswitch.com/local-first/ Name: Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud Description: Tags: server, local-first Date: 1704845708 URL: https://danluu.com/input-lag/ Name: Computer latency: 1977-2017 Description: Tags: Date: 1704846577 URL: https://danluu.com/input-lag/ Name: Computer latency: 1977-2017 Description: Tags: read Date: 1704846587 URL: https://www.sqlite.org/locrsf.html Name: LoC Recommended Storage Format Description: Tags: storage Date: 1704847295 URL: https://sarahgarcin.com/projets/print-daemon Name: Sarah Garcin | Print daemon Description: Tags: shell, print Date: 1704847471 URL: https://pages.lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-7687.pdf Name: Description: Tags: inria,crdt Date: 1704848623 URL: https://si3t.ch/ Name: Si₃TcH Description: Tags: people Date: 1704894433 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11721420/css-before-content-spacing Name: css :before content spacing - Stack Overflow Description: Tags: css,   Date: 1704903444 URL: https://constantvzw.org/wefts/cc4r.en.html Name: signet.sh is released under CC4r license Description: Copyleft Attitude with a difference - version 1.0 Tags: license Date: 0 Color: pink URL: on top of this page Name: The blank line is a search bar Description: Tags: fzf Date: 0 Color: darkkhaki URL: Paste URL from clipboard Name: Add a name or let the tool pick the title of the page for you Description: A description Tags: comma, separated, tags Date: 0 Color: Gold URL: adjust variables Name: You can add any css color to a bookmark Description: and write your own css themes Tags: lightblue, #F2C500, rgb(0,255,0) Date: 0 Color: lightblue URL: https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/ Name: It works with dmenu or your own integration Description: a fast and lightweight dynamic menu (MIT/X) Tags: interractive, dmenu Date: 0 Color: darkseagreen URL: ! 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Tags: convivialist, local first Date: 0 Color: plum URL: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/clemtre/signet.sh/ Name: → signet.sh Description: Tags: text, shell, awk, html, css, js Date: 0 Color: greenyellow URL: http://www.g-r-g.fr/lab/imprimantesanscontact Name: Garage de Recherches Graphiques | Imprimantesanscontact Description: Tags: imprimante Date: 1704903942 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGe0GnlIWq4 Name: Walt Mankowski - "Perl One-Liners" - YouTube Description: Tags: perl, conf Date: 1704921341 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmTeXcEixEg Name: 2016 - ‎A Million Billion Squiggly Characters‎ - Ricardo Signes - YouTube Description: Tags: perl, raku, unicode Date: 1704921358 URL: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publication_assist%C3%A9e_par_ordinateur#La_mise_en_pages_SGBD Name: Publication assistée par ordinateur — Wikipédia Description: La mise en page par système de gestion de base de donnée Tags: sgbd, pao Date: 1705054339 URL: http://supercat.nosredna.net/index.html Name: Supercat Description: Tags: parser, ansi, color Date: 1705076897 URL: https://askubuntu.com/questions/821157/print-a-256-color-test-pattern-in-the-terminal Name: command line - Print a 256-color test pattern in the terminal - Ask Ubuntu Description: Tags: color, awk Date: 1705078212 URL: https://psb1558.github.io/Junicode-font/ Name: Junicode 2 font specimen page Description: Tags: font, ofl Date: 1705089468 URL: https://www.cairn.info/feuilleter.php?ID_ARTICLE=ECP_LENGL_2023_01_0180 Name: cairn.info Description: Tags: huitric, nahas Date: 1705113569