# crunk-update a CLI tool to post updates to crunk-scheduler. ## Designing CLI tools * I actually never did this properly. currently reading [this guide](https://clig.dev/) * [and this one](https://betterprogramming.pub/building-cli-apps-in-rust-what-you-should-consider-99cdcc67710c) ## Make working software first * `crunk-update -p "text"` should make a paragraph of `


` in [crunk-scheduler](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/crunk/crunk-scheduler) * this is now possible and working. up next we should make some CLI flags such as --help * and look up how to schedule a post ## Learning Rust. * [clap is a Command Line Argument Parser for Rust](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/) * [reqwest is a convenient, higher-level HTTP Client](https://docs.rs/reqwest/latest/reqwest/) ## Readme driven development * have crunk-scheduler do all the conversion to html in rss. * make this as simple as possible - post a simple text - post markdown or html snippets - post files * be able to set a time when something is scheduled.