"""This is the main flask library page""" import datetime import json import os import bcrypt import flask from flask import redirect, render_template, request from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect from icalendar import Calendar from PIL import Image from requests import get from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from app import create_app from application.csvparser import CsvParser from forms.borrowform import BorrowForm from forms.uploadform import PublicationForm from search import search APP = create_app() csrf = CSRFProtect() csrf.init_app(APP) csvparser = CsvParser( APP.config["LIBRARY_FILENAME"], APP.config["IMAGE_FOLDER"] ) @APP.route("/") def index(): """Main route, shows all the books and you can filter them based on year, type""" pubtypes = csvparser.gettypes() pubyears = csvparser.getyears() publicenses = csvparser.getlicenses() publicatons = csvparser.getpublications() template = render_template( "index.html", title=APP.config["TITLE"], publications=publicatons, pubtypes=pubtypes, pubyears=pubyears, publicenses=publicenses, ) return template @APP.route("/upload", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def upload(): """Upload route, a page to upload a book to the csv""" uploadform = PublicationForm() if request.method == "POST": if uploadform.validate_on_submit() and checksecret( uploadform.secret.data ): id = csvparser.writepublication(uploadform) saveimage(uploadform.image.data, id) return redirect(str(id), code=303) else: return render_template("upload.html", uploadform=uploadform) return render_template( "upload.html", title=APP.config["TITLE"], uploadform=uploadform ) @APP.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def show_book(publicationID): """route for a single publication, shows full info and allows borrowing""" fullpublication = csvparser.getfullpublication(publicationID) borrowform = BorrowForm() if request.method == "POST": if borrowform.validate_on_submit() and checksecret( borrowform.secret.data ): editborrowedby(publicationID, borrowform.borrowed.data) fullpublication["Borrowed"] = borrowform.borrowed.data return render_template( "publication.html", fullpublication=fullpublication, publicationID=publicationID, borrowform=borrowform, ) # return a full publication with or without form errors return render_template( "publication.html", fullpublication=fullpublication, publicationID=publicationID, borrowform=borrowform, ) @APP.route("/search/", methods=["GET"]) def searchbooks(search_query): print(f"Searched for {search_query}") search_results = search(search_query) return json.dumps(search_results) def saveimage(image, id): """helper function that can save images""" image.save(os.path.join(APP.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], image.filename)) orig_image = Image.open( os.path.join(APP.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], image.filename) ) new_width = 640 new_height = int(new_width * orig_image.height / orig_image.width) resized_image = orig_image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS) filename = secure_filename("image-{0}.jpg".format(id)) resized_image.save(os.path.join("static/images/", filename), "JPEG") os.remove(os.path.join(APP.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], image.filename)) def checksecret(secret): """small simple check to a secret, library group members can upload""" with open("secret") as f: secrethash = f.readline().rstrip() if bcrypt.checkpw(secret.encode("utf-8"), secrethash.encode("utf-8")): return True else: return False if __name__ == "__main__": APP.debug = True APP.run(port=5000)