This is a reusable plain version the varia library website. You can host your own website of books using just a simple csv file
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.6 KiB

// Filter section ===================== old school code divider ================
filterSelection("all", "None");
function filterSelection(c, id) {
var i;
var button = document.getElementById(id);
button.innerText = c;
addClass(button, "activebtn");
var allpublications = document.getElementsByClassName("filter");
if (c == "all") {
for (i = 0; i < allpublications.length; i++) {
addClass(allpublications[i], "show");
else {
for (i = 0; i < allpublications.length; i++) {
removeClass(allpublications[i], "show");
if (allpublications[i].className.indexOf(c) > -1) {
addClass(allpublications[i], "show");
function resetDropDownButtons(){
document.getElementById("License").innerText = "License";
document.getElementById("PubType").innerText = "Type";
document.getElementById("Year").innerText = "Year";
allactivebuttons = document.getElementsByClassName("activebtn");
for(var i = 0;allactivebuttons.length; i++) {
removeClass(allactivebuttons[i], "activebtn");
function addClass(element, name) {
var i, arr1, arr2;
arr1 = element.className.split(" ");
arr2 = name.split(" ");
for (i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
if (arr1.indexOf(arr2[i]) == -1) {element.className += " " + arr2[i];}
function removeClass(element, name) {
var i, arr1, arr2;
arr1 = element.className.split(" ");
arr2 = name.split(" ");
for (i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
while (arr1.indexOf(arr2[i]) > -1) {
arr1.splice(arr1.indexOf(arr2[i]), 1);
element.className = arr1.join(" ");