{% extends "base/base.html" %} {% block main %}
{% if not current_user.is_authenticated %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% if adminuser %}
{% endif %}
{% if current_user.is_authenticated %}

Hi {{ current_user.email }}!

{% else %}

Welcome to distribusi-verse

{% endif %}


1. Zipfiles become websites

Distribusi is a content management system for the web that produces static index pages based on folders in the files system. For distrubisverse this means that you can upload a zip file (".zip file extension") with content and have distrubsi turn it into a webpage for you. Making a zip file is very easy for all desktop operating systems (Windows, Mac OS and Linux)

2. Media files become visible

Whenever Distribusi discovers media files in your zipfile it turns them into the appropriate html tags. image files become img tags, audio files become audio tags and so on. Currently distribusi supports images, videos, audio, pdf and textfiles (only ".txt" see 4. Text files become readable)


If your zipfile contains the image "cover.png" it becomes the following html in your distribusi page:

<div id="cover" class="png">
    <img class="image" src="cover.png">

The encapsulating div tag gets an id that is the same as the file name. The img tag gets a class attribute image This is handy for styling your files with CSS (See 5.)

3. Folders become links and pages

When you make your zipfile, this zipfile can contain folders with more content. Distribusi turns these automatically into links and behind those links a new page! These pages look identical to your main page because they share the same style.


<div id="folder" class="dir">
  <a href='new_folder/index.html'>new_folder</a>

The encapsulating div tag gets an id folder. and a class attribute dir This is handy for styling your files with CSS (See 5.)

the anchor (a) tag will get an href attribute pointing to the subfolder

4. Text files become readable

When distribusi discovers a text file (".txt file extension") it turns it into a pre tag with the text from the file in it. This enables users to add simple text elements to their pages.


<div id="my_textfile" class="plain">
    contents of my_textfile.txt gets rendered inside a pre tag.
  <span class="filename">my_textfile.txt</span>

The encapsulating div tag gets an id that is the same as the file name. and a class attribute plain This is handy for styling your files with CSS (See 5.)

5. Use CSS to style your page

Distribusi offers almost full support for styling your page with CSS. Because all content is auto generated your CSS will be placed in a style tag in the head of each HTML file.

Distrbusi-verse allows its users to skip this step by just selecting a basic theme or by selecting one of the themes other users have made public.

Alternatively a user can opt to make their own custom theme, either in a simple online editor or by uploading their own CSS file.

{% endblock %}