from datetime import datetime from uuid import uuid1 from flask import Blueprint, render_template from flask_mail import Mail, Message from sqlalchemy.exc import ( DatabaseError, DataError, InterfaceError, InvalidRequestError, ) from app import db, get_app from statuspengguna.forms.forgotpasswordform import ForgotPasswordForm from models.user_model import User mail = Mail(get_app()) forgot_password = Blueprint( "forgotpassword", __name__, template_folder="templates/statuspengguna", static_folder="static", ) @forgot_password.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def forgotpassword(): return ForgotPassword(mail) def ForgotPassword(mail): forgotpasswordform = ForgotPasswordForm() if forgotpasswordform.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by( ).first() if user is not None: resethash = AddResetPasswordHash(user, forgotpasswordform) ResetPassWordMessage(user, resethash, mail) f"""If {} exists, an email is send with a password reset link. (If your inbox doesn't contain any new mail, please check your spam folder.)""" ) return render_template( "forgotpassword.html", forgotpasswordform=forgotpasswordform ) def AddResetPasswordHash(user, forgotpasswordform): resethash = uuid1().hex try: user.resettime = user.resethash = resethash db.session.commit() except (InvalidRequestError, DataError, InterfaceError, DatabaseError):"Something went wrong!") db.session.rollback() return resethash def ResetPassWordMessage(user, resethash, mail): msg = Message( "Distribusiverse Forgotten Password ", sender=("Distribusiverse mailer", ""), recipients=[], ) msg.html = f"""{user.username} has requested a password reset for Distribusiverse.

Click here to reset your password.""" mail.send(msg)