"""Form to save your CSS editor work.""" from wtforms import ( StringField, TextAreaField, BooleanField, SubmitField, ) from wtforms import validators from wtforms.validators import Length from flask_wtf.file import FileField, FileAllowed, FileSize from flask_wtf import FlaskForm class EditorForm(FlaskForm): """Css editor form class.""" cssname = StringField( "fill in a name for your css style:", validators=[validators.InputRequired(), Length(5, 200)], ) cssfile = FileField( "(Optional) upload your own css file:", validators=[ FileAllowed(["css"], "css files only!"), FileSize( max_size=10485760, message="css file size must be smaller than 10MB", ), ], ) css = TextAreaField() public = BooleanField("Make your CSS public so others can use it") submit = SubmitField("Save")