Ethermap collaborative map tool inspired by etherpad.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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ethermap api

Backend for ethermap


To install and run the backen you will need NodeJS and npm installed, along with access to Postgresql server (possibility for this to be any database server). Then :

$ npm i

Once all the packages are installed you should setup your .env file (follow the .env.template). Once this has all the appropriate entries you can then connect and migrate the database.

$ npm run migrate:latest

then to run the development server you should run :

$ npm run dev


The backend is made up of a REST api and websocket server. The REST api is built on Express and the websocket server is built on

Database interface is the ODM objection.js. This setup might not be the best as it was adopted mid-project after starting with just Knex alone.

Tests are written in Ava.