Ethermap collaborative map tool inspired by etherpad.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
847 B

// testing tools
import test from 'ava'
import db from '../db/DB.js'
// db model
import MapModel from '../db/models/map.js'
test.before(async () => {
await db.migrate.latest()
test('Selecting maps should return array', async t => {
const maps = await MapModel.query()
test.serial('Inserting map returns map object', async t => {
const map = await MapModel.query().insert({ name: 'milo' }), 'milo')
test.serial('Insert point for existing map returns point', async t => {
const map = await MapModel.query().where({ name: 'milo' }).first()
const point = await map.$relatedQuery('map_points').insert({
name: 'pointy',
location: '(50.8552,4.3454)',
}), 'pointy'), '(50.8552,4.3454)')
test.after(async () => {
await db.migrate.down()