title: Extratonal Education #6: Collective Composing Workshop --- end_date: 2024-09-21 18:00:00 --- format: Extratonal Education --- latlon: 51.876647/4.524269 --- location: Klankschool, Catullusweg 11 --- peoples: Daniel Bierdümpfl --- start_date: 2024-09-21 16:00:00 --- flyer: education-6.png --- content: #### markdown #### markdown: **Participation:** Free Join the “Collective Composing Workshop” led by [Daniel Bierdümpfl](https://bieri-bieri.com/). Let's push the borders between audience and performers and explore the realm of graphic notations. Does yours sound soft, loud, hectic, shy or maybe even a little drunk? No previous experience, instruments and registration are required. Just come and join!