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title: Extratonal Special #2: "Puzzling Printers Camp"
end_date: 2024-05-04 23:00:00
flyer: extratonal-psecial-2.jpg
format: Extratonal Special
latlon: 51.89223/4.46925
location: Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam)
start_date: 2024-05-04 18:00:00
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**Start:** 18:00h CET<br>
**Entrance:** 5 euro <br>
Printers are one of the biggest frustrations that modern technology has brought us. During the second Extratonal Special event, the platform for extratonality turns these frustrations upside down. Artisans are invited to bring modified fragile printing devices that print in poetic ways, form a unity with their operators, are repaired on the fly, will be played like a musical instrument, connect people to form friendships, and so on, and so forth... Together we explore the hedonic performative aspect of exceptional printers.<br>
There will be printing, not only for the print, but also for the sake of printing itself. Printing devices themselves are radicalized through modification and imagination. Come to this must-attend printer camp full of DIY&DIWO action, and printing by/with unique printers!<br>
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url: igor-bobeldijk.jpg
caption: Photo by Igor Bobeldijk.
Alt: An image of Igor Bobeldijk's novel communication device its placed on a round plate. Its made out of two parts. A drawing part and a printing part.
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**Igor Bobeldijk** presents a prototype for a novel communications device based on the collaborative drawing game *Cadavre Exquis* popularised by the surrealists. In this game participants take turns in completing a drawing, seeing only a small part of what was drawn before, often resulting in an unexpected dialogue between the drawing's co-creators. Take part in a digitized version of the game where the results will be printed on a receipt.
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url: ducttape.jpg
caption: (Not) Jammed by DuctTape Collective. (Photo by DuctTape Collective)
Installation view of the (Not) Jammed installation by DuchTape Collective.
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*(Not) Jammed* is an interactive installation through which **DuctTape Collective** breaks free from the notion of carefulness around technology. They give the viewer an opportunity to explore what can be done with a printer outside the constraints of its intended use. The work invites you to engage with a dot matrix printer named Scott and to actively participate in the production process behind printmaking.
#### single-image ####
url: sadie-girigorie.jpg
caption: A touching interface by Sadie Girigorie. (Photo by Sadie Girigorie)
Alt: Image of Sadie Girigorie's artwork called a touching interface. Its placed on a wall. It has a round shape with different embroidery. In the center of it is a printer.
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**Sadie Girigorie** develops tools which facilitate community-driven sharing and reimagines them from a decolonial and anticapitalist perspective. *A touching interface* is a printer which embraces affect and slow processes as a subversive gesture. By counteracting the removing of excess, affect, bodies and our deepest emotion Sadie built a printer which prints poetry, the language of affect, which is activated by touching the embroidery it is adorned with.
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url: modular-matter-final-modules16.jpg
caption: Modular Matter by Jian Haake. (Photo by Jian Haake)
You see different moduels of the Modular Matter print synthiser by Jian Haake.
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*Modular Matter* is an experimental tool that playfully re-imagines print design workflows through the concept of modular synthesis. The instrument offers an unconventional, tangible, and modular approach to creating and performing (typo)graphical layouts. Behind this project is **Jian Haake** (she/her), a designer, workshop facilitator and experimental maker with a critical and collaborative understanding of publishing processes.
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url: web-image.png
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*The Moving Amusement Wheel* is a service provided by the larger **Screenless Office** project which is a kind of "artistic operating system" constrained by a desire to get through everyday life without using a pixel-based display. Research in focus groups found a strong interest among users wishing to enjoy *hilarious GIFs* and other forms of simulated motion images. The Department of Humor was able to develop a solution leveraging a small-format thermal printer and a modernized version of the 19th Century zoetrope, allowing viewers to enjoy *dank memes* etc. without resorting to digital phantasmagoria.
More printers soon!<br>
This event is made possible with the kind support of *Popunie Rotterdam, Stichting Volkskracht, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Rotterdam* and *Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie*.
peoples: Igor Bobeldijk, DuctTape Collective, Sadie Girigorie, Jian Haake, joak