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jules 1 year ago
  1. 6


@ -18,25 +18,31 @@ We remain open to requests from people who would like to use our space to organi
## We have compiled a list of concrete actions that can help Palestinians:
1. Inform yourself, verify claims, reflect
It might appear like an obvious one but it remains the best way to counter colonial propaganda. Elements of language currently used against Palestinians have already been used against other brutally oppressed populations. Acquiring knowledge about the history of Palestine, its colonisation, the emergence of Zionism, European colonial history, the Nakba and apartheid policies (this list isn’t exhautive) is one of the best ways to counter colonial narratives being fed to us in Western Europe. We have added a list of resources at the bottom of this page.
2. Speak up
Speak about it around you, share reports from NGOs and amplify the voices of organisations. A genocide is happening right under our eyes and we are way beyond times of “this is too complicated to have the full picture”. While X (formerly known as Twitter) censors Palestinian public figures, YouTube is relaying Israeli war messages and Instagram is shadow banning accounts relaying Palestinian voices, it is important to increase efforts to counter mainstream media. Of course speaking should not be reduced to social media activis; speak with friends, family, colleagues or neighbours about what is happening. Note that the booklet 'Freedom within reach' by the Palestinian Feminist Collective has tips on how to open up discussions [see the bottom of this page].
The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement is aimed to pressure the Israeli colonial state to respect international law. BDS fights for the end of the withdrawal from occupied Arab territories, the removal of the wall in the West Bank, full equality for the Palestinian citizens of Israel and to promote the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.
More information specific to the Netherlands here:
And if you don't read Dutch, here is a list of what brands and goods to boycott:
5. Occupy public space
Join protests.
Organisations such as Palestijnse gemeeenschap communicate regularly about upcoming demonstration dates in the Netherlands.
6. Mobilise your own organisations, media, companies, etc.
Depending on the structure you are part of, you can work towards a collective declaration of support. You can also stop buying/selling Israeli products (see point number 3).
6. Financial support
We put this one last because it seems that nothing can go into Gaza right now. The emergency right now is to demonstrate and stop the bombs.
Once help can flow again, here is a list of trusted charities:
