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+Title: Homebrewserver.club, getting started with self-hosting
+Date: 2019-06-23
+Category: curriculum
+tags: homebrew, server, self-hosting
+slug: curriculum-homebrewserverclub
+lang: en
+Event_start: 2019-27-06 10:00
+event_duration: 5h
+featured_image: /images/homebrewserverclub.png
+status: draft
+## Homebrew server fundamentals
+The homebrewserver.club is part of a larger 'self-hosting' movement where
+people try to host on-line services such as websites, mail, calendars and chat
+themselves. They do so in order to avoid reliance on the corporate services of
+GAFA(google, amazon, facebook, apple), with all the consequences that has. The
+homebrewserver.club takes the 'home' in homebrewserver.club literally and the
+'self' in self-hosting figuratively.
+That means we try to host from our homes rather than from datacenters and for
+and with our communities rather than just ourselves. We host from home from an
+understanding that paying for a home internet subscription means you use the
+connection not only to download but also to upload. We learn about this
+together knowing that it becomes easier, more fun and empowering than when one
+does so alone.
+During the workshop, we will help participants through the fundamentals of
+setting up a basic web server and all that entails. We will explore the
+possibilities of low power hardware (either old or single-board computers),
+understanding network topologies, re-configuring routers and exposing ports for
+hosting our own websites outside of the 'cloud'.
+Among others, participants will be learning how to:
+ a) access a remote computer via the terminal
+ b) install web server software and set up a simple web page
+ c) configure a router to make their server accessible from the internet
+No previous experience is required. If you have any old computer lying at home
+that you would like to turn into a server, please bring it along! Otherwise, we
+will have some material available that participants can use during the
+# Varia curriculum
+This workshop is organised as part of the Varia curriculum.
+The curriculum is an ongoing series of workshops in which participants are
+introduced to technical, theoretical and methodological skills at the basis of
+the various practices that live within Varia. These are short intensive
+master-classes or workshops aimed towards providing high level introductions as
+a basis for further explorations.
+Would you like to join this workshop? Please send us a short email on the
+info[a]varia.zone email address at the 3rd of July the latest!
+**⌂** Varia, Gouwstraat 3 (Rotterdam Charlois)
+**⌚** 27 July 10:00h - 16:00h (Lunch between 12:30h and 13:00h)
+**💶** Workshop price: 50 euros (coffee, tea and cookies included)*
+**💶** Bring any old computer you would like to turn into a server
+**💶** The workshop will be conducted in English
+* Lack of funds should not preclude participation. Please get in
+contact with us to discuss the options (info[a]varia.zone).
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+Date: 2019-06-23
+Category: curriculum
+tags: homebrew, server, self-hosting
+slug: curriculum-homebrewserverclub
+lang: nl
+Event_start: 2019-27-06 10:00
+event_duration: 5h
+featured_image: /images/homebrewserverclub.png
+status: draft
+# Varia curriculum
+Deze workshop maakt onderdeel uit van het Varia curriculum.
+Het curriculum is een doorlopende serie workshops waarbij deelnemers kennis
+maken met de technische, theoretische en methodologische vaardigheden die ten
+grondslag liggen aan de verschillende praktijken in Varia. De curriculum
+workshops zijn korte intensieve master-classes of workshops met als doel
+deelnemers te voorzien van grondige introducties in diverse themas die
+tengrondslag kunnen liggen aan verder eigen onderzoek.
+Zou je willen deelnemen aan deze workshop? Stuur ons dan **voor 30 juni** een
+korte mail op info[a]varia.zone
+**⌂** Varia, Gouwstraat 3 (Rotterdam Charlois)
+**⌚** 06 Juli 10:00h - 16:00h (Lunch tussen 12:30h and 13:00h)
+**💶** Normaal tarief 50 euros (eigen raspberry pi + wifi dongle meenemen. Tarief alles inclusief (Raspberry pi 3, voeding, SD-kaart) : 100 euro. (koffie, thee en koekjes inbegrepen)*
+**💶** Neem ebooks of pdfs mee die je met de groep zou willen delen
+**💶** De voertaal van deze workshop is Engels, maar er Nederlandse vertaling is mogelijk.
+* Geldgebrek moet geen deelname kunnen uitsluiten. Mocht dat een probleem zijn, neem dan contact met ons op om te overleggen (info[a]varia.zone).
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