summary: Streaming With Infrafem is a moment of exchange of communal strategies, infrastructural knowledge, and design choices starting by redefining the notion of *streaming*. We will explore ways of "streaming" to each other by listening, waiting and responding, both through text (for example via collaborative editors), through audio (for example via the streaming audio/video servers), and other means.
summary: Streaming With Infrafem is a moment of exchange of communal strategies, infrastructural knowledge, and design choices starting by redefining the notion of *streaming*. We will explore ways of "streaming" to each other by listening, waiting and responding, both through text (for example via collaborative editors), through audio (for example via the streaming audio/video servers), and other means.
The word "infrafem" is a portmanteau of feminism and infrastructure, and refers to doing infrastructure with a feminist sensibility. We believe that considering the means of communication as a means of production and questioning who is making them and under which conditions is important.
The word "infrafem" is a portmanteau of feminism and infrastructure, and refers to doing infrastructure with a feminist sensibility. We believe that considering the means of communication as a means of production and questioning who is making them and under which conditions is important.