Title: about
Slug: about
lang: en

# About

Varia is a Rotterdam based initiative, which started in 2017 from the need to open up their members' practices and organise ad-hoc public or semi-public moments among different configurations; at its core it aims at developing critical understandings of the technologies that surround us. Varia experiments with tools for building [**physical and digital infrastructures in a collective way**](/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html).

Our ways of being together as a collective-space are mediated through the following documents: our [**Code of Conduct**](/en/pages/code-of-conduct.html) which describes shared values and expected behaviour, a [**collective statement**](/en/pages/collective-statement.html) which contextualizes our situation, and [**membership guidelines**](/en/pages/membership-guidelines.html) where you can read about our membership model.

# Address

Gouwstraat 3 <br>
3082 BA <br>
Rotterdam (Charlois)


Have a look at the [accessibility outline](/en/pages/accessibility.html) of the space of Varia.

# Mailing List

You can subscribe to our [mailing list](https://we.lurk.org/postorius/lists/varia.we.lurk.org/) to be kept up to date with what's going on.

# Chat

Some of us lurk [#varia](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channel=#varia) on the IRC Freenode network.


Another way to stay in touch with Varia is by subscribing to our RSS feeds.

<a href="https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A//varia.zone/feeds/all-nl.rss.xml"><img src="/images/valid-rss-rogers.png" alt="[Valid RSS]" title="Validate my RSS feed" /></a>