Title: Open Day @ Varia 
Date: 2019-04-13
Category: event
slug: openday2019
lang: en
Event_start: 2019-04-13 12:00
event_duration: 6h
featured_image: /images/varia-open-day-2xx.jpg

During the next edition of [South Explorer](http://southexplorer.nl/) Varia will host its second annual open day. Expect an afternoon full of heated discussions, sound installations and retro video games. These include [Idione Dynamic’s](https://iodinedynamics.com/) ‘What Remains’ and Mathijs van Oosterhoudt’s [‘Strange Fruits’](https://vimeo.com/241442224). Furthermore, Thomas Walskaar will conduct interviews for his new project [‘Hidden Levels’](https://walskaar.com/gaming/index.html) and Niek Hilkmann will present a new sound installation ‘Venice on the Maas’ in Varia's basement. Join us from 12 till 6!