Title: Read & Repair feat. Minimal Viable Learning
Date: 2020-12-13
Category: readrepair
Slug: rr-minimal-viable-learning
lang: en
event_start: 2020-12-13 11:00
event_duration: 2h
summary: How can minimal technologies maximise a learning experience? What could 'minimum' 'viable' 'learning' be? During this Read & Repair, we will explore minimal viable forms of learning with **Etherpad**. Etherpad is a collaborative text editor that is often used within the practices of Varia members and their peer networks.

Come and make yourself comfortable, read together with others. Each session of Read & Repair is looking at a different text, sometimes guided by a guest. Our last editions have been taking place online, and so does this one.

In December's version a group of Varia members (Cristina Cochior, Joana Chicau, Luke Murphy, Manetta Berends and occasionally Silvio Lorusso) will be sharing some methods and themes explored as part of a residency at the School of Commons. To read more about the project, follow this link: <https://www.schoolofcommons.org/labs/minimum-viable-learning>.

In the last months, learning, with all its communal and convivial aspects, turned into an online-only endeavour. This sudden transition didn’t leave much room to make a judicious choice of modes of interaction, communication tools, utilised services and platforms. Within educational organisations, we witness a double movement: on the one hand, a centralisation of all activities by means of the software suite (e.g. Microsoft Teams); on the other hand, the standardisation of a maximalist mode of communication meant to replicate class interactions (e.g. Zoom meetings).

How can minimal technologies maximise a learning experience?

What could 'minimum' 'viable' 'learning' be?

Minimalism is for us a departure point to make space for other possible forms of technologically mediated learning.

During this Read & Repair, we will explore minimal viable forms of learning with **Etherpad**. Etherpad is a collaborative text editor that is often used within the practices of Varia members and their peer networks.

We will focus on exploring and rediscovering the principles of calm technology and minimal computing, and accommodate different rhythms of engagement through the Etherpad, while stretching both the tool and our understandings of what online pedagogical places could be.

Expect: `__MAGICWORDS__`, welcome rituals, warming up & cooling down exercises, padtiquettes and more.


**Date**: Sunday 13th December

**Time**: 11:00h - 13:00h CEST

**Location**: <https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/rr-minimal-viable-learning>

**NOTE**: This reading session will be held in English.