one url fixed browsethearchive and collection + related works on artwork page
This commit is contained in:
@ -195,34 +195,50 @@ def zinesindex():
def artwork():
artwork_id = request.args.get('id')
# copies in collection
SELECT ?work ?workLabel ?workDescription ?propLabel ?b ?bLabel ?creators ?creatorsLabel ?creatorRoles ?creatorRolesLabel ?image ?depicts ?depictsLabel ?license ?licenseLabel
SELECT ?copiesCollections ?copiesCollectionsLabel ?collection ?collectionLabel ?image
VALUES ?work {wd:'''+artwork_id+'''}
?work ?a ?b.
OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P9 ?creators. }
OPTIONAL { ?work p:P9 ?statement1.
?statement1 ps:P9 ?creators;
pq:P49 ?creatorRoles. }
OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P30 ?image. }
OPTIONAL { ?work p:P30 ?statement2.
?statement2 ps:P30 ?image;
pq:P54 ?depicts;
pq:P56 ?license.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
?prop wikibase:directClaim ?a .
} ''')
VALUES ?work {wd:'''+artwork_id+'''}
?work wdt:P43 ?copiesCollections.
?copiesCollections wdt:P47 ?collection.
OPTIONAL { ?collection wdt:P30 ?image. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
} ''')
artwork = sparql.query().convert()
copiesincollection = sparql.query().convert()
# related works
SELECT ?relatedWorks ?relatedWorksLabel ?image ?daterelatedWorks
SELECT ?relatedWorks ?relatedWorksLabel (SAMPLE(?daterelatedWorks) AS ?daterelatedWorks)
{ VALUES ?work {wd:'''+artwork_id+'''}
?work wdt:P44 ?relatedWorks.
OPTIONAL {?relatedWorks wdt:P13 ?daterelatedWorks.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
GROUP BY ?relatedWorks ?relatedWorksLabel
ORDER BY ?relatedWorksLabel
OPTIONAL {?relatedWorks wdt:P30 ?image.}
} ''')
relatedworks = sparql.query().convert()
# artwork_url = ""
# artwork_title = "the human printer"
# artwork_description = "short description"
return render_template('artwork.html', copiesincollection=copiesincollection, relatedworks=relatedworks)
artwork_url = ""
artwork_title = "the human printer"
artwork_description = "short description"
return render_template('artwork.html', artwork_title=artwork_title, artwork_description=artwork_description, artwork=artwork, artwork_id=artwork_id)
######################### PERSON
@app.route("/person", methods=['GET'])
@ -1,35 +1,90 @@
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
<!-- <div id="artwork-description">
<div id="artwork-page-title">ARTWORK</div>
<div id="artwork-title">WHATEVER</div>
<div id="artwork-short-description"></div>
<div id="artwork-content">
<div id="artwork-content-menu">
<div id="artwork-content-menu-about">About this work</div>
<div id="artwork-content-menu-record">Detailed record</div>
<div id="artwork-content-menu-relationships">Relationships</div>
<div id="artwork-content-menu-lists">Lists</div>
<!-- Artwork title and navigation -->
<!-- The content in 3 divs displayed or not (detailed revord is out)-->
<!-- about -->
<!-- relationships -->
<!-- lists -->
<div id="artwork-content-infos">
<!-- copies in collections -->
<div>Copies in collections</div>
<!-- all the copies if any -->
{% for x in copiesincollection['results']['bindings'] %}
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection">
<!-- img -->
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection-img-div">
{% if "image" in x %}
<!-- <a href='/artwork?id={{ x["???"]["copiesCollections"] | replace("", "") }}'> -->
<img class="artwork-copiesincollection-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
<!-- </a> -->
{% else %}
<!-- <a href='/artwork?id={{ x["copiesCollections"]["value"] | replace("", "") }}'> -->
<img class="artwork-copiesincollection-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
<!-- </a> -->
{% endif %}
<!-- title/name of collection -->
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection-title-div">
{{ x["collectionLabel"]["value"]}}
{% endfor %}
<div id="container-backend-data-button">
<!-- Related works -->
<div>Related works</div>
<!-- all the works if any-->
{% for x in relatedworks['results']['bindings'] %}
<div class="artwork-relatedworks">
<!-- image -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-img-div">
{% if "image" in x %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["relatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("", "") }}'>
<img class="artwork-relatedworks-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
{% else %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["relatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("", "") }}'>
<img class="artwork-relatedworks-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
{% endif %}
<!-- title -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-tile">
{{ x["relatedWorksLabel"]["value"]}}
<!-- year -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-date">
{% if "daterelatedWorks" in x %}
{{ x["daterelatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("T00:00:00Z", "") }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a target="_blank" href="{{ artwork_id }}">
<div class="bluebutton" id="backend-data-button">
<span>Go to backend to see live data</span>
<img class="artwork-mockuppage" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Pages/mockup_page_artwork-min.jpg') }}">
{% endblock content %}
@ -10,26 +10,27 @@
<div class="browsethearchive-items">
<div class="browsethearchive-items-top">
{% if "image" in x %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["work"]["value"] | replace("http://wikibase.svc/entity/", "") }}'>
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["work"]["value"] | replace("", "") }}'>
<img class="browsethearchive-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
</a> <br>
{% else %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["work"]["value"] | replace("http://wikibase.svc/entity/", "") }}'>
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["work"]["value"] | replace("", "") }}'>
<img class="browsethearchive-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}"><br>
{% endif %}
<div class="browsethearchive-items-bottom">
<a class="title" href='/artwork?id={{ x["work"]["value"] | replace("http://wikibase.svc/entity/", "") }}'>
<a class="title" href='/artwork?id={{ x["work"]["value"] | replace("", "") }}'>
{{ x["workLabel"]["value"]}}
</a> <br>
<span class="date">
{% if "date" in x %}
{{ x["date"]["value"] | replace("T00:00:00Z", "") }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user