# this doesn't show any results yet because I just added the data and I guess the query builder needs to be reloaded again, but the query code should work correctly.
# sparql.setQuery('''
# SELECT ?work ?workLabel ?image ?date ?dateadded
# SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
* It needs a place holder for video (I think Lozana will send it)
* It needs the two buttons (see zines + other thing). You can put empty a hrefs and I will add the hyperlink after.
* I have retrieved an array from the last images added (3 currently).
- If you need more images tell me and I will modify the python script, this would be super easy
- Feel free to add the classs/ids of your choice.
- I was unsure also if you needed each image to have a different class but I have improvised something to do so. Once the app is serving you can see 3 different classes : banner-image-0, banner-image-1, banner-image-2