2020-11-16 13:51:43 +01:00

216 lines
7.3 KiB

{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
<!-- Artwork title and navigation -->
<!-- ARTWORK label in rectangle -->
<div class="artwork-box">
<!-- Artwork title -->
<div class="artwork-title">
{% for x in artworkintro['results']['bindings'] %}
{{ x['workLabel']['value'] }}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Artwork intro-description -->
<div class="artwork-intro">
{% for x in artworkintro['results']['bindings'] %}
{% if 'workDescription' in x %}
{{ x['workDescription']['value'] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="artwork-nav">
<div class="artwork-nav-label active">ABOUT THIS WORK</div>
<div class="artwork-nav-label">RELATIONSHIPS</div>
<div class="artwork-nav-label">LISTS</div>
<div class="artwork-nav-label"><a target="_blank" href="https://daap.bannerrepeater.org/wiki/Item:{{ artwork_id }}">DETAILED RECORD</a></div>
<!-- The content in 3 divs displayed or not (detailed revord is out)-->
<!-- about or relationships or lists or detailed record -->
<div class="artwork-about">
<!-- left -->
<div class="artwork-leftcolumn">
<!-- img - I am unsure how to handle the thing to go through the different pictures -->
<div class="artwork-about-img">
{% if artworkimages['results']['bindings']==[] %}
<img class="artwork-about-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
{% else %}
{% for x in artworkimages["results"]["bindings"] %}
<img class="artwork-about-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- other stuff like downloads, absent for now -->
<!-- right
<div class="artwork-rightcolumn"> -->
<!-- contributors / date / publishers -->
<!-- contributors -->
<div class="artwork-rightcolumn-top-contributors">
<p class="label-item">CONTRIBUTORS</p>
{% for x in artworkcontributors['results']['bindings'] %}
<!-- name surname -->
<div class="metadata-link">
<a href='/person?id={{ x["creators"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'>
<span>{{ x['creatorsLabel']['value'] }}</span>
<!-- role/function -->
<p>{{ x['role']['value'] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- date -->
<div class="artwork-rightcolumn-top-date">
<p class="label-item">DATE</p>
<!-- loops through dates -->
{% for x in artworkdate['results']['bindings'] %}
<!-- date -->
{% if 'date' in x %}
<div class="label-item-date-artwork">{{ x['date']['value'] | replace("T00:00:00Z", "") }}</div>
{% else %}
but <div>information not available</div>
{% endif %}
<!-- extra info if available -->
{% if 'sourceLabel' in x %}
<div>Source: {{ x['sourceLabel']['value'] }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- publishers removed div .artwork-rightcolumn-top-publishers-->
<p class="label-item">PUBLISHERS</p>
<!-- loop through publishers -->
{% for x in artworkpublisher['results']['bindings'] %}
<!-- name, surname -->
<div class="metadata-link artwork-rightcolumn-top-publishers-item">
{% if 'publishersLabel' in x %}
<a href='/organisation?id={{ x["publishers"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'><span>{{ x['publishersLabel']['value'] }}</span></a>
{% else %}
<span>information not available</span>
{% endif %}
<!-- role -->
{% if 'role' in x %}
<span>{{ x['role']['value'] }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="artwork-about-bottom">
<!-- description -->
<!-- if there is a description add description here -->
<span class="label-item">DESCRIPTION</span>
<!-- left part with the description text already coming in a div from wiki-->
{{ artworkdescriptiontext }}
<!-- right ride with author etc LATER-->
<!-- <div> -->
<!-- <span class="label-item">AUTHOR</span> -->
<!-- if there is an author name then add here otherwise info non available -->
<!-- <span class="label-item">SOURCE</span> -->
<!-- if there is a source name then add here otherwise info non available -->
<!-- <span class="label-item">DATE</span> -->
<!-- if there is a date add here otherwise info non available-->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- end description loop -->
<!-- exhibition and distribution history loop-->
<!-- end exhibition loop -->
<!-- end of right column -->
<!-- end of about -->
<!-- relationships -->
<!-- lists -->
<!-- copies in collections -->
<div class="artwork-copieswrapper">
<div class="Heading_C">Copies in collections</div>
<!-- all the copies if any -->
{% for x in copiesincollection['results']['bindings'] %}
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection">
<!-- img -->
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection-img-div">
{% if "image" in x %}
<!-- <a href='/artwork?id={{ x["copiesCollections"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'> -->
<img class="artwork-copiesincollection-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
<!-- </a> -->
{% else %}
<!-- <a href='/artwork?id={{ x["copiesCollections"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'> -->
<img class="artwork-copiesincollection-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
<!-- </a> -->
{% endif %}
<!-- title/name of collection -->
<div class="artwork-copiesincollection-title-div">
{{ x["collectionLabel"]["value"]}}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Related works -->
<div class="artwork-relatedwrapper">
<div class="Heading_C">Related works</div>
<!-- all the works if any-->
{% for x in relatedworks['results']['bindings'] %}
<div class="artwork-relatedworks">
<!-- image -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-img-div">
{% if "image" in x %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["relatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'>
<img class="artwork-relatedworks-imgs" src='{{ x["image"]["value"] | replace("wiki/File:","wiki/Special:Redirect/file/") }}'>
{% else %}
<a href='/artwork?id={{ x["relatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("http://daap.bannerrepeater.org/entity/", "") }}'>
<img class="artwork-relatedworks-imgs" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/imgs/Icons/placeholder_no-image2.png') }}">
{% endif %}
<!-- title -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-tile">
{{ x["relatedWorksLabel"]["value"]}}
<!-- year -->
<div class="artwork-relatedworks-date">
{% if "daterelatedWorks" in x %}
{{ x["daterelatedWorks"]["value"] | replace("T00:00:00Z", "") }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}