You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
617 B

5 years ago
wordlist = ["vehicule", "of", "performance"]
timelist = [2,8,19]
idlist = ["17","3","1"]
l = []
for (word, time, uniqueid) in zip(wordlist,timelist, idlist):
# l1=[c for c in word]
#multiply the term by the number of its id
l1= (word + " ")*int(uniqueid)
l3 = "\t"*time
#multiply the term by the time
l1= (word + "\t")*time
l3 = "\t"*time
l.append(l1+" "+l2+l3)
l = ''.join(l)
score = str(l)
# file = open("copy.txt", "w")
# file.write(score)
# file.close()
# print(l3)
# print(str(l1))
# print(l2)