# encoding=utf8 import sys import pypandoc import PyPDF2 from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger, PdfFileReader from weasyprint import HTML, CSS from weasyprint.fonts import FontConfiguration from flask import send_file, Flask, Response, url_for, render_template, Markup, jsonify, redirect, request, flash, session, make_response from config import Config import json import os import datetime as dt from datetime import datetime from pprint import pprint import re from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import numpy as np from itertools import zip_longest import collections import random import string app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder="static", template_folder="templates") app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') app.config.from_object(Config) ###################################################################################### # SETTING THE VARIABLES ###################################################################################### # setting variables for holding paths, folder names and the one file for description path = "/static/files/" jsonfiles = [] #json files fullpathjsonfiles = [] #fullpath for some situations listingfiles= [] #fullpaths listingdirectories = [] #paths thefile = None #selected file for description positioninarray = 8 #counter listofdicts=[] #to be able to import and use json content datafromjson = [] max_wordpath_items = 500 # limit the nr. of items, as to prevent possible glitches with bots pathofwords = [] pathofnumbers = [] #VARS FOR THE SESSIONS # We don't want to store the secret key in git, but also don't really care what it is # so generate it and store it to a file that's not in git: current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) secret_key_file = os.path.join(current_dir, 'secret.key') if os.path.exists(secret_key_file): with open(secret_key_file, 'r') as fp: secret_key = fp.read() else: secret_key = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(100)) with open(secret_key_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(secret_key) app.secret_key = secret_key #app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem' # works only for flask-session (we use native flask cookie-sessions) def clearSession(): # Flask sessions are serialised into a cookie, so we cannot use the deque here session['wordpath'] = [] session['clicktime'] = [] session['id'] = [] session['veryfirstnow'] = datetime.now().isoformat() def setupSession(): # session should be configured from within request context # so this function should be called on each request if 'veryfirstnow' not in session: clearSession() # preparing the index.json file for the navbar index_dict = {} ###################################################################################### #SOME JSON AND WALK OS REALTED THINGIES ###################################################################################### #reading wordlist.json with open('wordlist.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: wordlist_dict = json.load(f) #listing the json paths simultaneously generating a new index.json for the navbar for path, subdirs, files in os.walk('./static/files/'): for name in files: if name.endswith(".json"): fullpath = os.path.join(path, name) jsonfiles.append(fullpath[8:]) fullpathjsonfiles.append(fullpath) with open (fullpath) as f: temp_dict = json.load(f) index_dict[temp_dict["id"]] = temp_dict["title"] ###################################################################################### #NOW THE REAL DEAL ###################################################################################### @app.route("/") def home(): setupSession() return render_template('home.html', wordlist_dict=wordlist_dict) def functionsession(): return(session) # THIS IS NOT WORKING YET DUNNO WHY @app.context_processor def context_processor(): functionsession = session['wordpath'] return dict(functionsession=functionsession) @app.route('/about/') def about(): setupSession() return render_template('about.html') @app.route('/clear') def clear(): # return to a refer if its set, default to root return_url = request.environ.get("HTTP_REFERER", '/') clearSession() return redirect(return_url) @app.route('/description') def description(): setupSession() idno=request.args.get('id') jsonfilefordescription = "files/"+idno+"/"+idno+".json" with open("static/"+jsonfilefordescription, 'r') as f: data_dict = json.load(f) datafromjson = data_dict["files"] #open json file, list filepaths in array and loop with thefile textfile="" textfiles=[] namefile=[] with open("static/"+jsonfilefordescription, 'r') as f: data_dict = json.load(f) datafromjson = data_dict["files"] itemid = data_dict["id"] # a glitch of Flask sessions: if you do session['wordpath'].append() it creates an empty list # hence we get it, append it, and set it. # since Flask's session variables are json serialised (to be stored in a cookie), they do not # support collections.deque, therefore we create that on each request to limit the items ids = collections.deque(session['id'], maxlen=max_wordpath_items) ids.append(itemid) session["id"] = list(ids) # ... and therefore, we have to convert it back for file in datafromjson: if file.lower().endswith(('.html')): namefile.append(file) with open("static/"+file,"r", encoding='utf-8') as f: textfile = f.read() textfile = Markup(textfile) textfiles.append(textfile) return render_template('description.html', datafromjson=datafromjson, itemid=itemid, textfiles=textfiles, idno=idno, index_dict=index_dict, namefile=namefile) @app.route('/diverge', methods=['GET']) def diverge(): setupSession() searchterm=request.args.get('search') now = datetime.now() #description time # a glitch of Flask sessions: if you do session['wordpath'].append() it creates an empty list # hence we get it, append it, and set it. wp = collections.deque(session['wordpath'], maxlen=max_wordpath_items) wp.append(searchterm) session['wordpath'] = list(wp) clicktime = collections.deque(session['clicktime'], maxlen=max_wordpath_items) clicktime.append(now.isoformat()) # make sure we have a determined format to stringify session['clicktime'] = list(clicktime) return render_template('diverge.html', wordlist_dict=wordlist_dict, searchterm=searchterm, index_dict=index_dict) ###################################################################################### #THE SCORE STUFF ###################################################################################### ### Add : if score is empty then add some sentence like "your score is empty" ### to be printed to the text document @app.route("/get-file") def get_file(): setupSession() fullscore = None wordpath = session["wordpath"] idlist = session["id"] timelist = session["clicktime"] veryfirstnow = session['veryfirstnow'] clickongetfiletime = datetime.now() tadam = None initialtime = None # # USER IP ADDRESS OBTENTION if request.environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') is None: userip = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] else: userip = request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] # if behind a proxy # Proxy might add multiple ips, take only one: if ',' in userip: userip = userip.split(',')[0] # # CALCULATION OF INITIAL TIME BEFORE FIRST CLICK if len(timelist) and not (timelist[0] is None): thetime = timelist[0] thetime = str(thetime) print(thetime) thetime = dt.datetime.strptime(thetime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") firsttime = dt.datetime.strptime(veryfirstnow, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") initialtime = thetime - firsttime initialtime = initialtime.total_seconds() initialtime = int(initialtime) initialtime = "."*initialtime print(initialtime) # #CALCULATE FILE NUMBER dirListing = os.listdir("scores/") scorenumber = len(dirListing) # CONVERSION OF TIME INTO FORMATS THAT CAN BE USED FOR CALCULATIONS timelistforoperations = [] for t in timelist : t = str(t) yo = dt.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") timelistforoperations.append(yo) prev = None wholestringy = None # print("veryfirstnow : "+str(veryfirstnow)+"\n") print(wordpath) print(timelistforoperations) print(idlist) # WEAVING DELAYS AND WORDS TOGETHER AS A HUGE STRING OF CHARACTERS for (word, time) in zip(wordpath,timelistforoperations): upperword = word.upper() #get previous time for substraction if not (prev is None): difftime = time - prev difftime = difftime.total_seconds() difftime = int(difftime) # print(difftime) else: yo = str(veryfirstnow) yoyo = dt.datetime.strptime(yo, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') difftime = time - yoyo difftime = difftime.total_seconds() difftime = int(difftime) test = difftime prev = time diffpattern = test * '.' stringy = diffpattern + upperword if not (wholestringy is None): wholestringy = wholestringy+stringy fullscore = wholestringy else: wholestringy = upperword fullscore = wholestringy if not (fullscore is None): # outside of the loop calculate seconds from "clickongetfiletime" minus the last "time" from the loop lastdifftime = clickongetfiletime - prev lastdifftime = lastdifftime.total_seconds() lastdifftime = int(lastdifftime) lastdifftime = lastdifftime * '.' #the 60 seconds thing # print(lastdifftime+"\n") fullscore = initialtime+fullscore+lastdifftime # Defining splitting point n = 60 # Using list comprehension out = [(fullscore[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(fullscore), n)] #joining the strings with linebreaks # tadam = '\n'.join(out) +"\n\n\n\nScore number : "+str(scorenumber)+ "\nGenerated at : "+str(clickongetfiletime)+"\nBy author : "+ userip tadam = '\n'.join(out) # have a message in file if no nav has been recorded so it's less dull than error page if tadam is None: tadam = "This score is Null" uniquename = str(clickongetfiletime) # with open('scores/'+uniquename+'.txt', 'a+') as f: # f.write(tadam) # print(tadam) ###### SCORE FIST PAGE globalname = "Pushing scores" scorefirstpage = '''
''' scorecontentpage = '''
'''.format(tadam) ############# GENERATE SCORE PDF pathnamefilepdf = "pandoc/"+uniquename+"test.pdf" font_config = FontConfiguration() HTML(string=scorecontentpage, base_url='./').write_pdf(pathnamefilepdf, stylesheets=[CSS('static/css/stylepandoc.css', font_config=font_config)], font_config=font_config) ############# GENERATE FIRST PAGE PDF pathnamefilecoverpdf = "pandoc/"+uniquename+"testcover.pdf" font_config = FontConfiguration() HTML(string=scorefirstpage, base_url='./').write_pdf(pathnamefilecoverpdf, stylesheets=[CSS('static/css/stylepandoc.css', font_config=font_config)], font_config=font_config) ############# ASSEMBLE PDFS merger = PdfFileMerger() file1 = open(pathnamefilecoverpdf,"rb") file2 = open(pathnamefilepdf,"rb") pdf1 = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file1) pdf2 = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file2) pdf1_pages = pdf1.getNumPages() pdf2_pages = pdf2.getNumPages() outputfile = open("pandoc/"+uniquename+"document-output.pdf", "wb") writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter() for i in range(pdf1_pages): writer.addPage(pdf1.getPage(i)) for j in range(pdf2_pages): writer.addPage(pdf2.getPage(j)) writer.write(outputfile) file1.close() file2.close() outputfile.close() clearSession() try: return send_file("pandoc/"+uniquename+"document-output.pdf", attachment_filename="olala.pdf") except Exception as e: return str(e) ###################################################################################### #INDEX PAGE ###################################################################################### @app.route("/index") def index(): return render_template('theindex.html', wordlist_dict=wordlist_dict, index_dict=index_dict) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True)