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23 lines
467 B

StartChar: parenleft
Encoding: 40 40 8
Width: 600
Flags: HMW
VStem: 264 111<189 290.5 189 296.5>
LayerCount: 2
437 632 m 0
466 632 488 610 488 583 c 0
488 571 486 565 476 549 c 0
406 437 375 341 375 240 c 0
375 138 407 42 476 -70 c 0
486 -86 488 -92 488 -104 c 0
488 -131 466 -153 437 -153 c 0
413 -153 400 -142 371 -95 c 0
300 18 264 133 264 243 c 0
264 350 307 478 380 587 c 0
403 623 415 632 437 632 c 0
Validated: 1