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Pushing Scores

The Pushing Scores archival publication

The website was made using Flask, NLTK, Numpy, Pillow, pypandoc, PyPDF2, weasyprint and Python3 and is live at

How to use the scripts

All of the words on the website have been turned into links. This only needs to be done once, in advance of launching the application. In order to regenerate the links, you must run these two commands in the following order:


The first script gathers all the files ending in .html, puts them in one single document, and creates wordlist.json, a dictionary that saves the sentences in which every single word appears. The second script goes over the same original files and replaces every word with an appropriate html tag.

Once these two steps have been made, the application can be run using the following command: flask run

The generated scores can be found in scores/

The project was developed by Cristina Cochior and Julie Boschat Thorez, as part of Varia.