Title: Federated Publishing Subtitle: Roel Roscam Abbing in conversation with Florian Cramer Authors:UP Date: 2015-12-02 10:29 Template: article_mod Remix of a blogpost by Silvio Lorusso and a debris of tweets, complemented with a dispersed editor's note. *Florian Cramer and Roel Roscam Abbing talk about federated social networks, how they work, what they do, and what chances and pitfalls they present for the publishing domain.* A public conversation on federated publishing took place during the lunch break of the final day of the Urgent Publishing[1](#footnote-j1) conference. Florian Cramer, reader in 21st Century Visual Culture/Autonomous Practices at Willem de Kooning Academy, asked Roel Roscam Abbing a few questions on federated networks, their origin, and their techno-social implementation. ![Tweet:Clusterduck](../images/federated-publishing_clusterduck-tweet.png "Tweet:Clusterduck")
Roel Roscam Abbing is a researcher and artist who works on networks, infrastructures and the politics that inform them. He’s a founding member of varia[2](#footnote-j2), a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology located in Charlois (Rotterdam). Varia hosts and employs a series of federated networks, such as one based on XMPP[3](#footnote-j3), an open standard for messaging. Cramer and Roscam Abbing started by explaining what is a federated network and why it matters nowadays. Federation allows diverse entities to preserve some internal rules while still being able to communicate with each other. In this way they are able to maintain a certain degree of autonomy. Roscam Abbing pointed out that federation is not new, email and the web being old examples of it which are still in use. However, in a landscape characterized by an increasingly vicious centralization and by users’ growing awareness of their needs and the limitations of generalist platforms, federation acquires new meaning and relevance. The subject of the conversation then became Mastodon[4](#footnote-j4), a Twitter-like federated social medium. Unlike Twitter, Mastodon is comprised of multiple community-owned "instances", that can define their own rules, modify user interface, etc. Mastodon itself is part of a bigger network called the Fediverse[5](#footnote-j5), which includes different applications (such as the older GNU Social[6](#footnote-j6) or the recent PeerTube[7](#footnote-j7)) that are able to communicate with each other thanks to underlying federation protocols such as ActivityPub or OStatus. Roscam Abbing is one of the admins of a Mastodon instance called post.lurk.org and dedicated to media, free software and the politics of technology. Post.lurk.org currently hosts 129 users and is invite-only (you can get in touch with the admins onDispersed editor’s note: Commercial micropublishing platforms such as Twitter and other corporate social networking platforms may offer the speed required by the notion of urgent publishing. However, they are rife with misinformation, troll attacks, cyberbullying, etc. As highlighted by Roscam Abbing, the development of Mastodon was driven by the dissatisfaction of historically marginalized communities, often the target of such attacks, with these (and other) aspects of commercial platforms. The federated social web tries to experiment with radically different ways of conceiving digital sociality, supported by a decentralized technical infrastructure. The focus on communities, codes of conduct and moderation present in many of the instances and projects of the Fediverse attests to this. In this sense, besides speaking to the notions of 'speed' and 'post-truth', federated publishing connects with other overarching themes of the conference, namely 'community' and 'locality'. However, as Florian Cramer pointed out, the federated social web is not an inherently emancipatory project, as the existence of alt-right Mastodon instance Gab proves. Nonetheless, for all the reasons listed above, federated publishing deserves to be developed further as a possible answer to the challenges of publishing in post-truth times.
The questions from the audience revolved around the notion of governance. Roscam Abbing responded that the development of the project is currently based on the "benevolent dictator" model, as the creator of Mastodon has the power to take final decisions (in fact there have been Mastodon fork-tryouts, where the main focus has been a different form of governance). Furthermore, not all labour that goes in the project is acknowledged: work that is not code is often rendered invisible. This has lead to disenfranchisement from queer and POC communities that in the early stages contributed a lot to the platform. One of the most interesting spaces to understand where Mastodon is going is the issue tracker[9](#footnote-j9): this is where plenty of users, not necessarily developers, request, discuss, and criticize features.