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\textbf{Clara Balaguer} (Makati City, Pisces Metal Monkey) is a cultural worker and grey literature circulator. From 2010 to 2018, she articulated cultural programming with rural, peri-urban, and diasporic communities from the Philippines through the~\emph{OCD}, a residency space and social practice platform. In 2013, she co-founded Hardworking Goodlooking, a cottage industry publishing hauz interested in the material vernacular, collectivizing authorship, and the value of the error.~ Currently, she builds and publishes curriculums at BAK basis voor aktuele kunst as head of Civic Praxis (Community Portal); at Willem de Kooning Academy as research lecturer in Social Practices; at Piet Zwart Institute as a midwife for Experimental Publishing; and at Sandberg Institute as teacher at the Dirty Art Department. Frequently, she operates under collective or individual aliases that disclose her stewardship in any given project, the latest of which is To Be Determined: a transitional, migratory, neighborly structure of sleeper cells (Trojan horse networks) that activate--deactivate for leaking access to cultural capital.
\textbf{Manetta Berends} works with forms of networked publishing, situated software and collective infrastructures. She is a member of Varia, a member based organisation working on everyday technology in Rotterdam, and an educator at the master Experimental Publishing at the Piet Zwart Institute. \url{}
\textbf{Julie Boschat-Thorez} is a researcher, artist and educator whose work focuses on knowledge organisation systems and the stories which can be extracted from them. She primarily investigates mundane objects such as archives, collections, datasets or museums, to recover traces of their creators ideas and circumstances (for better or worse). She also has an overlapping practice of archiving with an interest for variability, circulation, community and access. She is a member of Varia, a Rotterdam based initiative which aims at developing critical understandings of the technologies that surround us. She teaches at the Willem de Kooning Academy.
\textbf{Ren Loren Britton} is a white trans* interdisciplinary artist and researcher tuning with practices of Critical Pedagogy, Trans*FeministTechno Science and Disability Justice. Playing with the queer potential of undoing norms they practice joyful accountability to matters of collaboration, access, Black Feminisms, instability and trans*politics. They love slowness, reading, following non-linear processes and experimenting towards greater accessibility.~Ren has presented work with multiple institutions including Transmediale (Berlin), ALT\_CPH Biennale (Copenhagen), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), Constant (Brussels), Sonic Acts (Amsterdam), Kunsthalle Osnabrück (Osnabrück), Varia (Rotterdam), Rupert (Vilnius) and Martin Gropius Bau (Berlin). With Isabel Paehr as MELT they operate as an art-design duo, questioning how coloniality, climate change and technological developments are intertwined. To pursue these questions, MELT boils up insights from chemistry, crip technoscience and trans *feminism to study and set in motion transformative material-discursive processes. MELT is currently a Fellow with the project ACCESS SERVER at the Het Nieuew Instituut in Rotterdam, NL and an associate fellow with MELT's project Data for\ldots? (trans* and disabled lives) with the Digital Curation Institute at the University of Toronto, CA.
\textbf{Cristina Cochior} is a researcher and designer working in the Netherlands. With an interest in automation, situated software and peer to peer knowledge production, her work largely consists of investigations into the intimate bureaucracy of knowledge organisation systems and building collective, non-extractive digital infrastructures. She is a member of Varia and teaches at Willem de Kooning Academy.
\textbf{Rosemary Grennan} is the co-director of MayDay Rooms, an archive and educational space in London which seeks to connect histories and documents of radicalism and resistance to contemporary struggle. She is also completing a PhD in Media Anthropology from University College London.
\textbf{Silvio Lorusso} is a writer, artist and designer based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In 2018 he published his first book entitled \emph{Entreprecariat}. He is an assistant professor and vice-director of the Centre for Other Worlds at the Lusófona University in Lisbon. Lorusso holds a Ph.D. in Design Sciences from the Iuav University of Venice.
\textbf{Cengiz Mengüç} is a graphic designer and visual artist interested in diasporic identity expressed through the vernacular visual culture and architecture of the everyday. His current practice moves between commissioned art and design work, street-level~advertising work and self-initiated projects, working mostly across the mediums of installation, print and publishing. Currently, he is developing new work based on his ongoing research. Cengiz Mengüç graduated from the ArtEZ Institute of the Arts with a Bachelor degree in graphic design and works and lives in Rotterdam.
\textbf{Michael Murtaugh} is a computer programmer who researches community databases, interactive documentaries and tools for new forms of online reading and writing. He contributes to projects such as the Institute for Computational Vandalism and Active Archives, is a member of Constant and involved in Piet Zwart Media Design where he teaches at the Experimental Publishing Masters course. \url{}
\textbf{Varia} is a small member-based organisation in Rotterdam (Charlois), focused on everyday technology. It uses the term everyday technology to break through the vision of old and new~technology, or smart and not so smart technology by looking more at the appropriateness of what~each technology does in a particular situation, while trying to understand whose everyday~is meant by the term, to not include one single~world view, but to acknowledge that everyone~engages with technology in a different way. \url{}