first commit :)

This commit is contained in:
manetta 2019-12-23 15:00:49 +01:00
commit 1b6648c858
29 changed files with 613 additions and 0 deletions

asciiWriter/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import utils
import patterns
import marks

asciiWriter/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import make_lines, merge, print_lines, rotate, visit, visit_horizontal
from patterns import diagonal, horizontal, vertical, sinus_horizontal, sinus_vertical, image
from marks import random_mark, sequence_mark, space
from random import choice, random
import math
# marks = ['┼', '│', '░', '▓', 'X', '■', '≡', '·', '¦', ' ']
# blank = ' '
width = 75
height = 50
mark = sequence_mark('O.P.E.N D.E.S.I.G.N C.O.U.R.S.E ')
layers = []
# layers.append(visit(make_lines(width, height), image('blobs-small.png'), mark, space(' ')))
for offset in range(-50, 50, 15):
lines = [[] for l in range(height)]
sinus = sinus_vertical(period=50, amplitude=25, offset=offset, offset_t=random())
layers.append(visit(make_lines(width, height), sinus, sequence_mark(' K A S K G E N T '), space()))
for offset in range(-43, 57, 15):
lines = [[] for l in range(height)]
sinus = sinus_vertical(period=40, amplitude=10, offset=offset, offset_t=.5+random())
layers.append(visit(make_lines(width, height), sinus, mark, space()))
print_lines(merge(width, height, space()(), layers))
# for line in overlay(50, 50, ' ', [rotate(merged), merged]):
# stdout.write('{}\n'.format(''.join(line)))
# sinus = sinus_horizontal(period=30, amplitude=8)
# for x in range(width):
# for y in range(height):
# lines[y].append(sinus(x, y, width, height, mark, space()))
# for line in lines:
# stdout.write('{}\n'.format(''.join(line)))
# lines = [[draw(x, y, marks) for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]
# sys.sdout.write('\n'.join([''.join(line) for line in lines]))
# sys.sdout.write('\n'.join([''.join([draw(x, y, marks) for x in range(width)]) for y in range(height)]))

asciiWriter/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from random import choice
def random (marks=['']):
def func ():
return choice(marks)
return func
def sentence (text):
chars = list(text)
def f():
char = chars.pop(0)
return char
return f
def single (char):
def f():
return char
return f
def space (space=' '):
return single(space)

asciiWriter/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import math
# # Linear
def diagonal():
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
if x == math.floor((y / float(height)) * width):
return mark()
return blank()
return f
# Cross
def cross ():
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
pos = math.floor((y / float(height)) * width)
if x == pos or (width - 1) - pos == x:
return mark()
return blank()
return f
def horizontal (position):
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
return mark() if position == y else blank()
return f
def vertical (position):
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
return mark() if position == x else blank()
return f
# Sinus
def sinus_vertical (period=0.2, amplitude=0.5, offset_t=0, offset=0):
period = (period / (math.pi * 2))
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
middle = (width - 1) * .5
to_mark = math.floor(middle + math.sin(offset_t + y / period) * amplitude)
return mark() if (x + offset) == to_mark else blank()
return f
def sinus_horizontal (period=0.2, amplitude=0.5, offset_t=0, offset=0):
period = (period / (math.pi * 2))
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
middle = (height - 1) * .5
to_mark = math.floor(middle + math.sin(offset_t + x / period) * amplitude)
return mark() if y + offset == to_mark else blank()
return f
def image (path, threshold=128):
from PIL import Image
im ='L')
image_width, image_height = im.size
pixels = im.load()
def f (x, y, width, height, mark, blank):
if x < image_width and y < image_height:
if pixels[x, y] < threshold:
return mark()
return blank()
return f

asciiWriter/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from sys import stdout
def rotate(layer):
new_width = len(layer)
new_height = len(layer[0])
rotated = [['' for x in range(new_width)] for l in range(new_height)]
for y in range(len(layer)):
for x in range(len(layer[y])):
rotated[x][y] = layer[y][x]
return rotated
def merge(width, height, space_char, layers):
output = [[space_char for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]
for layer in layers:
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if layer[y][x] != space_char:
output[y][x] = layer[y][x]
return output
# Make a multidimensional array
# with the given dimensions
def make_lines (width, height, fill_char = ''):
return [[ fill_char for _ in range(width) ] for __ in range(height)]
def visit (lines, callback, mark, blank):
height = len(lines)
width = len(lines[0])
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
lines[y][x] = callback(x, y, width, height, mark, blank)
return lines
def visit_horizontal (lines, callback, mark, blank):
height = len(lines)
width = len(lines[0])
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
lines[y][x] = callback(x, y, width, height, mark, blank)
return lines
def print_lines (lines):
for line in lines:

30 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Uses an image as a guide to draw either blanks or
mark chars. In this case with the char '+'.
from asciiWriter.patterns import image
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines
from asciiWriter.marks import single, space
width = 75
height = 75
# Where to find the image
image_path = 'images/blobs-small.png'
# Construct the pattern
image_pattern = image(image_path)
# Set the marker, in this case the character '+'
mark = single('+')
# Define what to use on a blank space, as a variation you could use: single('*')
blank = space()
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the picture
result = visit(lines, image_pattern, mark, blank)
# Print the result

26 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from asciiWriter.patterns import image
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines
from asciiWriter.marks import random, single
width = 75
height = 75
# Where to find the image
image_path = 'images/blobs-small.png'
# Construct the pattern
image_pattern = image(image_path)
# Set the marker, in this case it makes a random selection from
# the list: +, *, $, #, ,
mark = random(['+', '*', '$', '#', ' ', ' '])
# Define what to use on a blank space, as a variation you coul use: single('*')
blank = single()
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the picture
result = visit(lines, image_pattern, mark, blank)
# Print the result

32 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Same as, but rotates the result.
Uses an image to define where to put chars.
In this case with the sentence/word ASCII
from asciiWriter.patterns import image
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines, rotate
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, single
width = 75
height = 75
# Where to find the image
image_path = 'images/blobs-small.png'
# Construct the pattern
image_pattern = image(image_path)
# Set the marker, in this case a sentence
mark = sentence('ASCII ')
# Define what to use on a blank space, as a variation you coul use: single('*')
blank = single(' ')
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the picture
result = visit(lines, image_pattern, mark, blank)
# Rotate the canvas
result = rotate(result)
# Print the result

31 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Uses an image to define where to put chars.
In this case with the sentence/word ASCII
from asciiWriter.patterns import image
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space
width = 75
height = 75
# Where to find the image
image_path = 'images/blobs-small.png'
image_path = 'images/shapes.png'
# Construct the pattern
image_pattern = image(image_path)
# Set the marker, in this case a sentence
mark = sentence('U.R.S O.P.E.N. D.E.S.I.G.N C.O.')
# Define what to use on a blank space, as a variation you coul use: single('*')
blank = space()
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the picture
result = visit(lines, image_pattern, mark, blank)
# Print the result

images/blobs-small.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.2 KiB

images/blobs.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.7 KiB

images/shapes.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.6 KiB

28 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Draws a single, vertical line
from asciiWriter.patterns import vertical
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space
# Set the canvas
width = 75
height = 75
# Define the line, most importantly it's position
pattern = vertical(20)
# We're going to fill the line with a text
mark = sentence('OPEN DESIGN COURSE ')
# Set the character for the 'blank' space
blank = space()
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the result
result = visit(lines, pattern, mark, blank)
# Print the result

30 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Draws a single just like but does so
using a 'random' character
from asciiWriter.patterns import vertical
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines
from asciiWriter.marks import random, space
# Set the canvas
width = 75
height = 75
# Define the line, most importantly it's position
image_pattern = vertical(20)
# We're going to fill the line with random selections
# from the '%$&@!*' chars
mark = random('%$&@!*')
# Set the character for the 'blank' space
blank = space()
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the result
result = visit(lines, image_pattern, mark, blank)
# Print the result

61 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
-------------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------
--------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------
---------e--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------l---------H
------------------------------------o---r--l--l--l--l--l--r--- --l----------------------------------
------------------------------------------- l-ll-l-ll-lW-o------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------rW -------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------!---l---l---l---l---l---l---l--- ----d-----------------------------
------------------------ -----l-----d------d-----d-----d------d-----l-----H------!------------------
--------------H--------o--------!-------!--------!--------!-------!--------o--------e-------- ------
----e---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------l-----
--------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------
Work in progress :)
# Requirements
* pillow

39 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Draws lines like, but draws more than one
from asciiWriter.patterns import vertical
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines, merge
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space
# Set the canvas
width = 75
height = 75
# We are going to draw multiple lines and collect them
# in a list named 'layers'
layers = []
# Set the position of the line, do this in a loop
# from 10 to 75 in steps of then
for x in range(10, 75, 10):
# Define the line, x will start at 10 and grow in steps of 10
image_pattern = vertical(x)
# Fill the line with the sentence 'OPEN DESIGN COURSE '
mark = sentence('OPEN DESIGN COURSE ')
# Set the blank space
blank = space()
# Make a canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Make a layer with the line
layer = visit(lines, image_pattern, mark, blank)
# Add the layer to the list of layers
# Merge the list of layers into a single layer
result = merge(width, height, blank(), layers)
# Print the result

36 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from asciiWriter.patterns import sinus_vertical
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines, merge
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space
# Define width and height of the output
width = 75
height = 75
# As we draw multiple sinoids we will collect
# them in a list of layers
layers = []
# Loop through an offset from -40 to 40 in steps of 10
for x in range(-40, 40, 10):
# Set the pattern with the changing offset
pattern = sinus_vertical(period=40, amplitude=30, offset=x)
# We use a sentence to draw the text
mark = sentence('OPEN DESIGN COURSE ')
# Define a blank character
blank = space()
# Make the canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the sinoid, but add it to the list
result = visit(lines, pattern, mark, blank)
# Add it the result to the list of layers
# Merge the layers into one layer again
merged = merge(width, height, blank(), layers)
# Print the result

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from asciiWriter.patterns import sinus_vertical
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines, merge
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space
import random
# Define width and height of the output
width = 75
height = 75
# As we draw multiple sinoids we will collect
# them in a list of layers
layers = []
# Loop through an amplitude of -50 to 50 in steps of 10
for amplitude in range(-50, 50, 10):
# Set the pattern with the changing amplitude
pattern = sinus_vertical(period=40, amplitude=amplitude)
# We use a sentence to draw the text
mark = sentence('OPEN DESIGN COURSE ')
# Define a blank character
blank = space()
# Make the canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the sinoid, but add it to the list
result = visit(lines, pattern, mark, blank)
# Add it the result to the list of layers
# Merge the layers into one layer again
merged = merge(width, height, blank(), layers)
# Print the result

27 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from asciiWriter.patterns import sinus_vertical
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space, single
# Define width and height of the output
width = 75
height = 75
# Set the pattern we use to draw, in this case a
# sinoid, with period of 40 lines, and an amplitude
# of 30 characters. Slightly less than half our canvas width
pattern = sinus_vertical(period=40, amplitude=30)
# We use a sentence to draw the text
mark = sentence('OPEN DESIGN COURSE ')
# Define a blank character
blank = single(' ')
# Make the canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the sinoid
result = visit(lines, pattern, mark, blank)
# Output the result

37 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from asciiWriter.patterns import sinus_vertical, cross
from asciiWriter.utils import make_lines, visit, print_lines, merge
from asciiWriter.marks import sentence, space, single
# Define width and height of the output
width = 100
height = 50
# As we draw multiple sinoids we will collect
# them in a list of layers
layers = []
# Loop through an offset from -40 to 40 in steps of 10
for x in range(-50, 50, 10):
# Set the pattern with the changing offset
pattern = cross()
# We use a sentence to draw the text
mark = sentence('Hello World! ')
# Define a blank character
blank = single('-')
# Make the canvas
lines = make_lines(width, height)
# Draw the sinoid, but add it to the list
result = visit(lines, pattern, mark, blank)
# Add it the result to the list of layers
# Merge the layers into one layer again
merged = merge(width, height, blank(), layers)
# Print the result