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switching to the cc4r

manetta 3 years ago
  1. 8


@ -6,22 +6,20 @@ This module is written by Cristina Cochior and Manetta Berends in the proximity
The module is produced in the context of the course *Data-driven research and digital tools* at the Department of Media & Culture, Utrecht University in collaboration with [Dr. Karin van Es]( and [Creative Coding Utrecht](
This work is kindly supported by the focus area [Governing the Digital Society]( at Utrecht University and published under the FDL3 license:
This work is kindly supported by the focus area [Governing the Digital Society]( at Utrecht University and published under the CC4r license:
`Copyright © Varia 2020. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license is included in git repository as a file entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".`
`Varia, 2020. Cristina Cochior, Manetta Berends, Karin van Es. Copyleft with a difference: This is a collective work, you are invited to copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the CC4r -`
This module is made using Pelican[^pelican] and served as a *static website*: a form of minimal computing[^minimalcomputing] through which we hope to limit the weight of its webpages, to stimulate the reuse of its materials, and to explore to potential of Free/Libre and Open Source Software tools as generators of situated publishing formats.
The sources of this module can be found on <>.
Fonts: XXX
The fonts used in this module are: [Syne]( (Italic), designed by Bonjour Monde; [Belgica-Belgika](, designed by Open Source Publishing (OSP); [Libre Baskerville](, designed by Pablo Impallari; all published under the *SIL Open Font License, version 1.1*.
# Footnotes
[^pelican]: Pelican Static Site Generator, Powered by Python. Accessed on 5 November 2020. <>
[^minimalcomputing]: Minimal Computing, a working group of GO::DH. Accessed on 5 November 2020. <>
