Title: Step 3: Infrapunctures Slug: section-4-step-3 Date: 2020-08-25 12:00 Outline a bot that tackles a specific stress you have identified in the digital communication infrastructure you chose previously. Follow the following steps. Identify a hurt concerning (lack of) agency, impact or power in relation to how your group communicates. How could a bot intervene? In other words, how could it punctuate? * Some (non-exhaustive) attributes of bot (programmatic) behaviour: iteration, repetition, storing, versioning, amplification, ... Look at the questions below and pick a few to answer. * What roles can be picked up by a bot? Is the bot for example a janitor, gardener, reporter? * In what way is the bot conducive to the well-being of the group? * What modes of interaction does the bot use? Is the bot for example witnessing, listening, gathering, greeting, sparking, whispering, reminding, shouting?