import argparse import logging import multiprocessing import os import pprint import sys import time import traceback from import Iterable # Combines all paths to `pelican` package accessible from `sys.path` # Makes it possible to install `pelican` and namespace plugins into different # locations in the file system (e.g. pip with `-e` or `--user`) from pkgutil import extend_path __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) # pelican.log has to be the first pelican module to be loaded # because logging.setLoggerClass has to be called before logging.getLogger from pelican.log import init as init_logging from pelican.generators import (ArticlesGenerator, # noqa: I100 PagesGenerator, SourceFileGenerator, StaticGenerator, TemplatePagesGenerator) from pelican.plugins import signals from pelican.plugins._utils import load_plugins from pelican.readers import Readers from pelican.server import ComplexHTTPRequestHandler, RootedHTTPServer from pelican.settings import coerce_overrides, read_settings from pelican.utils import (FileSystemWatcher, clean_output_dir, maybe_pluralize) from pelican.writers import Writer try: __version__ = __import__('pkg_resources') \ .get_distribution('pelican').version except Exception: __version__ = "unknown" DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = '' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Pelican: def __init__(self, settings): """Pelican initialisation Performs some checks on the environment before doing anything else. """ # define the default settings self.settings = settings self.path = settings['PATH'] self.theme = settings['THEME'] self.output_path = settings['OUTPUT_PATH'] self.ignore_files = settings['IGNORE_FILES'] self.delete_outputdir = settings['DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'] self.output_retention = settings['OUTPUT_RETENTION'] self.init_path() self.init_plugins() signals.initialized.send(self) def init_path(self): if not any(p in sys.path for p in ['', os.curdir]): logger.debug("Adding current directory to system path") sys.path.insert(0, '') def init_plugins(self): self.plugins = load_plugins(self.settings) for plugin in self.plugins: logger.debug('Registering plugin `%s`', plugin.__name__) try: plugin.register() except Exception as e: logger.error('Cannot register plugin `%s`\n%s', plugin.__name__, e) def run(self): """Run the generators and return""" start_time = time.time() context = self.settings.copy() # Share these among all the generators and content objects # They map source paths to Content objects or None context['generated_content'] = {} context['static_links'] = set() context['static_content'] = {} context['localsiteurl'] = self.settings['SITEURL'] generators = [ cls( context=context, settings=self.settings, path=self.path, theme=self.theme, output_path=self.output_path, ) for cls in self.get_generator_classes() ] # Delete the output directory if (1) the appropriate setting is True # and (2) that directory is not the parent of the source directory if (self.delete_outputdir and os.path.commonpath([os.path.realpath(self.output_path)]) != os.path.commonpath([os.path.realpath(self.output_path), os.path.realpath(self.path)])): clean_output_dir(self.output_path, self.output_retention) for p in generators: if hasattr(p, 'generate_context'): p.generate_context() for p in generators: if hasattr(p, 'refresh_metadata_intersite_links'): p.refresh_metadata_intersite_links() signals.all_generators_finalized.send(generators) writer = self.get_writer() for p in generators: if hasattr(p, 'generate_output'): p.generate_output(writer) signals.finalized.send(self) articles_generator = next(g for g in generators if isinstance(g, ArticlesGenerator)) pages_generator = next(g for g in generators if isinstance(g, PagesGenerator)) pluralized_articles = maybe_pluralize( (len(articles_generator.articles) + len(articles_generator.translations)), 'article', 'articles') pluralized_drafts = maybe_pluralize( (len(articles_generator.drafts) + len(articles_generator.drafts_translations)), 'draft', 'drafts') pluralized_pages = maybe_pluralize( (len(pages_generator.pages) + len(pages_generator.translations)), 'page', 'pages') pluralized_hidden_pages = maybe_pluralize( (len(pages_generator.hidden_pages) + len(pages_generator.hidden_translations)), 'hidden page', 'hidden pages') pluralized_draft_pages = maybe_pluralize( (len(pages_generator.draft_pages) + len(pages_generator.draft_translations)), 'draft page', 'draft pages') print('Done: Processed {}, {}, {}, {} and {} in {:.2f} seconds.' .format( pluralized_articles, pluralized_drafts, pluralized_pages, pluralized_hidden_pages, pluralized_draft_pages, time.time() - start_time)) def get_generator_classes(self): generators = [ArticlesGenerator, PagesGenerator] if self.settings['TEMPLATE_PAGES']: generators.append(TemplatePagesGenerator) if self.settings['OUTPUT_SOURCES']: generators.append(SourceFileGenerator) for pair in signals.get_generators.send(self): (funct, value) = pair if not isinstance(value, Iterable): value = (value, ) for v in value: if isinstance(v, type): logger.debug('Found generator: %s', v) generators.append(v) # StaticGenerator must run last, so it can identify files that # were skipped by the other generators, and so static files can # have their output paths overridden by the {attach} link syntax. generators.append(StaticGenerator) return generators def get_writer(self): writers = [w for (_, w) in signals.get_writer.send(self) if isinstance(w, type)] writers_found = len(writers) if writers_found == 0: return Writer(self.output_path, settings=self.settings) else: writer = writers[0] if writers_found == 1: logger.debug('Found writer: %s', writer) else: logger.warning( '%s writers found, using only first one: %s', writers_found, writer) return writer(self.output_path, settings=self.settings) class PrintSettings(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string): instance, settings = get_instance(namespace) if values: # One or more arguments provided, so only print those settings for setting in values: if setting in settings: # Only add newline between setting name and value if dict if isinstance(settings[setting], dict): setting_format = '\n{}:\n{}' else: setting_format = '\n{}: {}' print(setting_format.format( setting, pprint.pformat(settings[setting]))) else: print('\n{} is not a recognized setting.'.format(setting)) break else: # No argument was given to --print-settings, so print all settings pprint.pprint(settings) parser.exit() class ParseDict(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): d = {} if values: for item in values: split_items = item.split("=", 1) key = split_items[0].strip() value = split_items[1].strip() d[key] = value setattr(namespace, self.dest, d) def parse_arguments(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='A tool to generate a static blog, ' ' with restructured text input files.', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument(dest='path', nargs='?', help='Path where to find the content files.', default=None) parser.add_argument('-t', '--theme-path', dest='theme', help='Path where to find the theme templates. If not ' 'specified, it will use the default one included with ' 'pelican.') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', help='Where to output the generated files. If not ' 'specified, a directory will be created, named ' '"output" in the current path.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--settings', dest='settings', help='The settings of the application, this is ' 'automatically set to {} if a file exists with this ' 'name.'.format(DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME)) parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete-output-directory', dest='delete_outputdir', action='store_true', default=None, help='Delete the output directory.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const', const=logging.INFO, dest='verbosity', help='Show all messages.') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_const', const=logging.CRITICAL, dest='verbosity', help='Show only critical errors.') parser.add_argument('-D', '--debug', action='store_const', const=logging.DEBUG, dest='verbosity', help='Show all messages, including debug messages.') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__, help='Print the pelican version and exit.') parser.add_argument('-r', '--autoreload', dest='autoreload', action='store_true', help='Relaunch pelican each time a modification occurs' ' on the content files.') parser.add_argument('--print-settings', dest='print_settings', nargs='*', action=PrintSettings, metavar='SETTING_NAME', help='Print current configuration settings and exit. ' 'Append one or more setting name arguments to see the ' 'values for specific settings only.') parser.add_argument('--relative-urls', dest='relative_paths', action='store_true', help='Use relative urls in output, ' 'useful for site development') parser.add_argument('--cache-path', dest='cache_path', help=('Directory in which to store cache files. ' 'If not specified, defaults to "cache".')) parser.add_argument('--ignore-cache', action='store_true', dest='ignore_cache', help='Ignore content cache ' 'from previous runs by not loading cache files.') parser.add_argument('-w', '--write-selected', type=str, dest='selected_paths', default=None, help='Comma separated list of selected paths to write') parser.add_argument('--fatal', metavar='errors|warnings', choices=('errors', 'warnings'), default='', help=('Exit the program with non-zero status if any ' 'errors/warnings encountered.')) parser.add_argument('--logs-dedup-min-level', default='WARNING', choices=('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'), help=('Only enable log de-duplication for levels equal' ' to or above the specified value')) parser.add_argument('-l', '--listen', dest='listen', action='store_true', help='Serve content files via HTTP and port 8000.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', dest='port', type=int, help='Port to serve HTTP files at. (default: 8000)') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bind', dest='bind', help='IP to bind to when serving files via HTTP ' '(default:') parser.add_argument('-e', '--extra-settings', dest='overrides', help='Specify one or more SETTING=VALUE pairs to ' 'override settings. If VALUE contains spaces, ' 'add quotes: SETTING="VALUE". Values other than ' 'integers and strings can be specified via JSON ' 'notation. (e.g., SETTING=none)', nargs='*', action=ParseDict ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.port is not None and not args.listen: logger.warning('--port without --listen has no effect') if args.bind is not None and not args.listen: logger.warning('--bind without --listen has no effect') return args def get_config(args): config = {} if args.path: config['PATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.path)) if args.output: config['OUTPUT_PATH'] = \ os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.output)) if args.theme: abstheme = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.theme)) config['THEME'] = abstheme if os.path.exists(abstheme) else args.theme if args.delete_outputdir is not None: config['DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'] = args.delete_outputdir if args.ignore_cache: config['LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE'] = False if args.cache_path: config['CACHE_PATH'] = args.cache_path if args.selected_paths: config['WRITE_SELECTED'] = args.selected_paths.split(',') if args.relative_paths: config['RELATIVE_URLS'] = args.relative_paths if args.port is not None: config['PORT'] = args.port if args.bind is not None: config['BIND'] = args.bind config['DEBUG'] = args.verbosity == logging.DEBUG config.update(coerce_overrides(args.overrides)) return config def get_instance(args): config_file = args.settings if config_file is None and os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME): config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME args.settings = DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME settings = read_settings(config_file, override=get_config(args)) cls = settings['PELICAN_CLASS'] if isinstance(cls, str): module, cls_name = cls.rsplit('.', 1) module = __import__(module) cls = getattr(module, cls_name) return cls(settings), settings def autoreload(args, excqueue=None): print(' --- AutoReload Mode: Monitoring `content`, `theme` and' ' `settings` for changes. ---') pelican, settings = get_instance(args) watcher = FileSystemWatcher(args.settings, Readers, settings) sleep = False while True: try: # Don't sleep first time, but sleep afterwards to reduce cpu load if sleep: time.sleep(0.5) else: sleep = True modified = watcher.check() if modified['settings']: pelican, settings = get_instance(args) watcher.update_watchers(settings) if any(modified.values()): print('\n-> Modified: {}. re-generating...'.format( ', '.join(k for k, v in modified.items() if v))) except KeyboardInterrupt: if excqueue is not None: excqueue.put(None) return raise except Exception as e: if (args.verbosity == logging.DEBUG): if excqueue is not None: excqueue.put( traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1]) else: raise logger.warning( 'Caught exception:\n"%s".', e, exc_info=settings.get('DEBUG', False)) def listen(server, port, output, excqueue=None): RootedHTTPServer.allow_reuse_address = True try: httpd = RootedHTTPServer( output, (server, port), ComplexHTTPRequestHandler) except OSError as e: logging.error("Could not listen on port %s, server %s.", port, server) if excqueue is not None: excqueue.put(traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1]) return try: print("\nServing site at: {}:{} - Tap CTRL-C to stop".format( server, port)) httpd.serve_forever() except Exception as e: if excqueue is not None: excqueue.put(traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)[-1]) return except KeyboardInterrupt: httpd.socket.close() if excqueue is not None: return raise def main(argv=None): args = parse_arguments(argv) logs_dedup_min_level = getattr(logging, args.logs_dedup_min_level) init_logging(args.verbosity, args.fatal, logs_dedup_min_level=logs_dedup_min_level) logger.debug('Pelican version: %s', __version__) logger.debug('Python version: %s', sys.version.split()[0]) try: pelican, settings = get_instance(args) if args.autoreload and args.listen: excqueue = multiprocessing.Queue() p1 = multiprocessing.Process( target=autoreload, args=(args, excqueue)) p2 = multiprocessing.Process( target=listen, args=(settings.get('BIND'), settings.get('PORT'), settings.get("OUTPUT_PATH"), excqueue)) p1.start() p2.start() exc = excqueue.get() p1.terminate() p2.terminate() if exc is not None: logger.critical(exc) elif args.autoreload: autoreload(args) elif args.listen: listen(settings.get('BIND'), settings.get('PORT'), settings.get("OUTPUT_PATH")) else: watcher = FileSystemWatcher(args.settings, Readers, settings) watcher.check() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning('Keyboard interrupt received. Exiting.') except Exception as e: logger.critical('%s', e) if args.verbosity == logging.DEBUG: raise else: sys.exit(getattr(e, 'exitcode', 1))