Title: Programming Logic Slug: 03-s6-step-3 Date: 2020-11-01 12:02 Summary: Loops, if/else statements, variables and more. > People, things, events are "programmed", one speaks of "inputs" and "outputs", of feedback loops, variables, parameters, processes, and so on, until eventually all contact with concrete situations is abstracted away.[^weizenbaum] As bots are written in code, they are based on the features and constraints of *programming logic*. To unpack this term, we will speak about: * loops * if/else statements * variables ### Loops A loop ... ``` for n in range(5): print('ha' * n) > ha > haha > hahaha > hahahaha > hahahahaha ``` ### if/else statements ### Variables ## Footnotes [^weizenbaum]: Joseph Weizenbaum (1976), *Computer Power and Human Reason*