Title: Infrapunctural Imaginaries (exercise) Slug: 01-s5-introduction Date: 2020-11-01 12:00 Summary: What are the norms and values of different communication infrastructures? What are the norms and values of different communication infrastructures? What are the norms of the conversations? And who decides what is normal? To dive into these question and further explore how communicative infrastructures are transforming and being transformed by different groups, we will now switch mode and work on a dialog-writing exercise. So far, we encountered different computational infrastructures throughout this module. In this section we will focus specifically on *communicative infrastructures*, which for example include micro-blogging platforms, groupchats, discussion forums, mailinglists, etc. # Why an exercise? Doing an exercise will create space to engage with the term *digital infrapunctures* in a playful way, allowing us to speculate about possible bot interventions or infrapunctural actions. While keeping in mind that different groups use different infrastructures in different ways, it is important to take some time to focus on a specific context, to zoom in and work with a specific situation in mind. [note: insert prototypes as arguments] # What is the exercise? 1. Choose a communicative infrastructure that is used by a specific group. 2. Imagine that this group is working on a bot as infrapunctural intervention. 3. Come up with a scenario and write down what is happening in the format of a dialog. At the end of the exercise, you have written a script of a speculative dialog, that illustrates how a bot operates, what its attitude is and what it would say. The format of the dialog will challenge you to also think about possible responses and reactions to the bot.