It would be so nice to have different RECbot *modes*: `--log`, `--stream`, `--distribusi`
*`--log`: RECbot writes a growing HTML page with images and text, that can be marked up and styled in HTML/CSS.
*`--stream`: RECbot stores all images that are send to the group, and displays them as an image stream.
*`--distribusi`: RECbot saves files (images, messages as markdown, files, links as HTML pages) and generates a distribusi page of all collected material.
Under the hood the process can be cut up into two procedures:
* saving text/image/audio/video based messages as files (.txt, .png/.jpg, .ogg, .og4/.mp4)
* generating different outputs, depending on the selected *mode*
These modes can be changed at any moment.
[\*] These are standalone scripts. They can be used on any set of files in a folder and generate HTML pages with customizable styling.