{% extends "en/base.html" %} {% block title %}{% endblock %} {% block search %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

A cross-reading allows for a specific type of reading that does not follow a linear order, but follows a self-chosen path. Reading becomes an act of creating relations and threading connections, reading across different domains.

This cyber/technofeminist cross-reader does not follow one but two axes, bridging the act of reading a collection of texts, with the act of reading a tool. Reading across a collection of manifestos, while reading the algorithm that is used to do so.

These cross-readings connect ...

... the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency algorithm, or TF-IDF in short

... a collection of cyber- and technofeminist manifestos

The TF-IDF is a commonly used algorithm to find the most important words of a document. The algorithm is (partly) written by the female computer scientist Karen Spärck Jones in the 1970s and has become one of the important algorithms of many search tools online, such as digital library systems or corporate search engines like Yandex or Google. The algorithm turns written documents into a sorted lists of search results, using a specific relative and inversed way of counting, that is sensitive for contrast in written documents.

The cyber/technofeminist manifestos connect feminist thinking to technology, introducing feminist servers, cyborg figures, cyberwitches, or pleas for the glitch as cultural digital artefact. This collection, which is obviously incomplete, brings a diverse set of technofeminist documents together that are published between 1912 and 2019. The manifestos speak about very different concerns and questions, but they connect in terms of energy level. Urging to make a statement, ready to activate.

An interesting note to mention: Karen Spärck Jones was an advocate for the position of women in computing. “I’ve been trying to think a little bit—but it’s very dispiriting!—about how to try to get more women into computer science. On the whole, everybody who thinks about this is depressed, because we’re going backwards rather than forwards.”

These two axes, the algorithm and the manifestos, interoperate. They support and strengthen eachother as the X and Y of this cross-reading tool.

The TF-IDF algorithm, while responding to a search request, creates cross-readings through the manifestos. It outputs a list of search results around the subject of search, creating a field of statements, questions and concerns around one single word. Meanwhile, the algorithm starts to interoperate with the manifesto as a format. Sensitive as it is for bulletpointed writing, repetition and unique words -- elements that are used a lot in these statement driven documents. The algorithm prioritizes higher contrastful language over academic writing, repetition over very diverse vocabularies and the use of unique words over the use of common ones.

See this cross-reading tool as an exercise in reading, across a field of technofeminist thinking and a tool for algorithmic sorting.


The cyber/technofeminist cross-reader is developed by Manetta Berends
in the context of the exhibition Computer Grrrls in Paris (March - July 2019).

Commissioned by:
Inke Arns (Hartware Medien Kunst Verein, Dortmund)
Marie Lechner (La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris)

Cyber/technofeminist manifesto collection:
Inke Arns
Marie Lechner

Translation to French:
Julie Boschat-Thorez

Liberation Sans Narrow Bold


The cyber/technofeminist cross-reader is a free work,
you can copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms
of the Free Art License.


This project is made possible with the support of the DICRéAM fund, Paris.

[Note on context]

The collection of cyber/technofeminist manifestos includes the following documents:

Manifeste de la Femme Futuriste [FR]
The Manifesto of Futurist Woman [EN]
written by Valentine de Saintpoint (1912)

S.C.U.M manifesto [EN, FR]
written by Valerie Solanas (1967)

A Cyborg Manifesto [EN]
Manifeste Cyborg [FR]
written by Donna Haraway (1984)

published in Bikini Zine (1989)

Cyberfeminist manifesto for the 21st century [EN, FR]
written by VNS Matrix (1991)

Bitch Mutant Manifesto [EN]
written by VNS Matrix (1996)

Cyberfeminism is not [EN, DE, NL, FR]
written by Old Boys Network (OBN) (1997)

Refugia [EN]
written by SubRosa (2002)

Glitch Manifesto [EN]
written by Rosa Menkman (2009)

Glitch Feminism Manifesto [EN]
written by Legacy Russell (2012)

The Mundane Afrofuturist Manifesto [EN]
written by Martine Syms (2013)

Wages for Facebook [EN]
written by Laurel Ptak (2013)

A Feminist Server Manifesto [EN]
published by Constant (2014)

Gynepunk Manifesto [EN, ES, FR]
written by Gynepunk (2014)

written by Pechblenda Lab (2014)

Manifesto for the Gynecene [EN]
written by Alexandra Pirici and Raluca Voinea (2015)

The 3D Additivist Manifesto [EN] + other languages available
written by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke (2015)

Xenofeminist manifesto [EN, FR] + other languages available
written by Laboria Cuboniks (2015)

Feminist Principles of the Internet [EN]
collective authorship, organized by Association for Progressive Communications (APC) (2016)

Hackers of Resistance Manifesto [EN]
written by HORS (2018)

Purple Noise Manifesto [EN]
written by Cornelia Sollfrank (2018)

The Call for Feminist Data [EN]
written by Caroline Sinders (2018)

Cyberwitches Manifesto [EN, FR]
written by Lucile Haute (2019)

The algorithm introduces the idea of a context specific way of counting words.

Karen's IDF part of the TF-IDF algorithm creates an ecosystem where the resulting numbers heavily depend on the presence of the other words. The deletion or addition of a document would change all the interrelations in the dataset, as the calculations fully depend on each other. Altough the practice of algorithmic text processing is inherently pretty brutal, as language is regarded as nothing but a bag-of-words, the TF-IDF algorithm and its algorithmic character, give us a way of counting that creates situated datasets where values are determined by their self-created context.

User Notice for Copyrighted Materials in this collection

Some of the manifestos in this collection are protected by copyright law, where the copyright is owned by third parties. Fair use permits only certain limited uses of the content. The author of this project is using the third-party content under a fair use doctrine, making a navigational cross-reading tool available to you. The third-party content is used to create an access-point, to read, explore and study them.

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