{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}- {{ query }}{% endblock %} {% block nav %}
{% endblock %} {% block results %} {% if results == {} %}
This word could not be found.

Please note that ...

... the cross-reader can only search for one word
... "-" or "_" are understood as spaces
... search results are not case sensitive
{% else %}

Cross-readings along the axes of {{ query }}:

{% for x, manifesto in results.items() %} {% for sentence in manifesto.html %}
{{ manifesto.name }}
{{ sentence }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% if analytics %} {% block suggestions %}


{% if analytics.stemmer %}

Similar but not the same to {{ query }}:

{% for word in analytics.stemmer %} {{ word }} {% endfor%}

{% endif%} {% if analytics.suggestions %}

Also specific to {{ results[0]['name'] }}:

{% for word, idf in analytics.suggestions %} {% if loop.index < 50 %} {% if word == query %} {{ word }} {% else %} {{ word }} {% endif%} {% endif%} {% endfor%}

{% endif%}
{% endblock %} {% endif%}