#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys from sys import stdout import flask from flask import request, redirect, send_from_directory import tfidf import readings import printer from manifestos import manifestos from time import sleep # Create the application. APP = flask.Flask(__name__) # Jinja filters def prettyfilename(filename): return filename.replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ').replace('.txt', '') APP.jinja_env.filters['prettyfilename'] = prettyfilename # Jinja globals def get_random(x, y): from random import randint return randint(x, y) APP.jinja_env.globals.update(get_random=get_random) @APP.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index_(): """ Displays the index page accessible at '' Which is either the start page (index.html) or a results page (results.html). """ query = None results = None query = request.args.get('q', '') # Check printer argument if printer.connected == True: connection = 'connected' else: connection = 'connected' if request.args.get('q', ''): results, filenames, analytics = readings.request_results(query) # print commands if request.args.get('print', '') == 'now': if connection == 'connected': printer.printNow(query, results) return flask.render_template('results.html', query=query, results=results, filenames=filenames, connection=connection, analytics=analytics) else: index = readings.load_index() filenames = [manifesto for manifesto, _ in index.items()] return flask.render_template('index.html', filenames=filenames) @APP.route('/cross-readings', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def crossreadings(): """ Displays the cross-readings page accessible at 'cross-readings'. """ return flask.render_template('cross-readings.html') @APP.route('/colophon', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def colophon(): """ Displays the colophon page accessible at 'colophon'. """ return flask.render_template('colophon.html') @APP.route('/manifesto/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def manifesto(name): """ Displays the page accessible at 'manifesto/'. It shows the original text of the manifesto in plain text. """ index = readings.load_index() filenames = sorted([manifesto for manifesto, _ in index.items()]) manifesto = open('txt/'+name+'.txt', 'r').readlines() link = manifestos[name] return flask.render_template('manifesto.html', filenames=filenames, name=name, manifesto=manifesto, link=link) @APP.route('/mapping/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def contrast_mappings_name(name): """ Displays the page accessible at 'mappings/'. A TF-IDF visualisation is displayed from the specific manifesto, using the TF-IDF values as font-size. """ mappings, filenames = readings.request_mappings(name) return flask.render_template('mapping.html', filenames=filenames, mappings=mappings[name], manifesto=name) @APP.route('/list//', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def render_list_for_document(list_type, filename): """ Show list of (TF / IDF / TF-IDF) values of one document. """ index = readings.load_index() filenames = sorted([document for document, _ in index.items()]) values_list = [(value, word) for word, value in index[filename][list_type].items()] return flask.render_template('list.html', filenames=filenames, list=values_list, list_type=list_type, filename=filename) @APP.route('/favicon.ico') def favicon(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static'), 'favicon.ico') if __name__ == '__main__': if not 'index.json' in os.listdir('.'): tfidf.create_index() # APP.debug=True APP.run()