various cross-reading prototypes
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

260 lines
8.0 KiB

import os, json, re
from flask import Markup
import nltk
from nltk import sent_tokenize
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') # initialize tokenizer
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
import tfidf
# TF-IDF visualisation multiplier
multiplier = 25000
def load_index():
if os.path.isfile('index.json') == False:
f = open('index.json').read()
index = json.loads(f)
return index
def get_random(x, y):
from random import randint
return randint(x, y)
def generate_random_rgb():
r = get_random(0, 255)
g = get_random(0, 255)
b = get_random(0, 255)
return r, g, b
def insert_query_highlight(query, sentence, r, g, b):
pattern = r'[\s\W\_]'+query+r'[\s\W\_]|^'+query+'|'+query+'$'
match =, sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
match =
sentence = re.sub(pattern, ' <strong class="query" style="color:rgba({r},{g},{b},1); background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse, rgba({r},{g},{b},0.4), rgba({r},{g},{b},0.2), transparent, transparent);">{match}</strong> '.format(match=match, r=r, b=b, g=g), sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
return sentence
def insert_suggestion_links(query, sentence):
# insert further reading links
for suggestion in open('words.txt','r').readlines():
suggestion = suggestion.replace('\n', '').strip()
if suggestion:
if suggestion != query:
pattern = r'[\s\W\_]'+suggestion+r'[\s\W\_]|^'+suggestion+'|'+suggestion+'$'
match =, sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
match =
match = match.replace(suggestion, '<a href="?q={0}">{0}</a>'.format(suggestion))
sentence = re.sub(pattern, ' <strong>{}</strong> '.format(match), sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
return sentence
def get_adjectives():
index = load_index()
sentences_all = [sentences for sentences in document['sentences'] for document, _ in index.items()]
adjectives = []
for sentences in sentences_all:
for sentence in sentences:
pos = nltk.pos_tag(words)
return adjectives
def generate_analytics(query, results, index):
analytics = {}
querypos = nltk.pos_tag([query])
analytics['type'] = querypos[0][1]
# Contrast-mapping
# analytics['mapping'] = []
# if results[0]['matches']:
# for word in tokenizer.tokenize(results[0]['matches'][0]):
# document = results[0]['filename']
# analytics['mapping'].append([word, index[document]['tfidf'][word.lower()] * multiplier]) # lowercased! (!important)
# Stemmer (very similar words)
analytics['stemmer'] = []
porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()
basequery = porter.stem(query)
for document, _ in index.items():
words = index[document]['tfidf'].keys()
bases = [[porter.stem(word), word] for word in words]
# print('Stemmer bases', bases)
for base, word in bases:
if base == basequery:
analytics['stemmer'] = set(analytics['stemmer'])
if query in analytics['stemmer']:
# print('Stemmer:', matches)
print('*analytics information returned*')
# pp.pprint(analytics)
return analytics
def request_results(query):
print('*results request started*')
query = query.strip().lower()
print('Query:', query)
index = load_index()
filenames = [document for document, _ in index.items()]
results = {}
# results = {
# 0 : {
# 'name' : 'Feminist document (2000)',
# 'filename' : '2000_Feminist_document',
# 'tfidf' : 0.00041,
# 'matches' : [
# 'This is a first matching sentence.',
# 'This is a second matching sentence.',
# 'This is a third matching sentence.'
# ]
# }
# }
# First, check which documents use the query
order = []
for document, _ in index.items():
for key in index[document]['tfidf'].keys():
if query == key.strip().lower():
print('Query match:', query)
match = (index[document]['tfidf'][key.lower()], document) # lowercased! (!important)
print('Order:', order)
# Loop through the sorted matches
# and add all the data that is needed
# (sentences, tfidf value, document name)
x = 0
for tfidf, document in order:
# print('document:', document)
results[x] = {}
results[x]['name'] = index[document]['name'] # nicely readable name
results[x]['filename'] = document
results[x]['tfidf'] = tfidf
results[x]['matches'] = []
results[x]['html'] = []
# Generate a random RGB color for this document
r, g, b = generate_random_rgb()
# All sentences from this document
sentences = index[document]['sentences']
# Collect matching sentences only
for sentence in sentences:
for word in tokenizer.tokenize(sentence):
if word.lower() == query:
# Append sentence to final set of matching results
# Transform sentence into an HTML elements
html = insert_query_highlight(query, sentence, r, g, b)
html = insert_suggestion_links(query, html)
html = Markup(html)
break # Append sentence only once
x += 1
print('*results returned*')
# Add analytics
if results.keys():
analytics = generate_analytics(query, results, index)
analytics = False
# pp.pprint(analytics)
return filenames, results, analytics
def get_tfidflistings():
index = load_index()
languages = set([index[document]['language'] for document in index.keys()])
tfidflistings = {}
for language in languages:
tfidflistings[language] = []
for document in index.keys():
if index[document]['language'] == language:
for word, value in index[document]['tfidf'].items():
tfidflistings[language].append([value, word])
# pp.pprint(tfidflistings)
print('*tfidflistings returned*')
return tfidflistings
def get_tfidfcontext(query):
tfidflistings = get_tfidflistings()
tfidfcontext = {}
context_reach = 3
for language in tfidflistings.keys():
index = 0
tfidfcontext[language] = []
for value, word in tfidflistings[language]:
if word.lower() == query.lower():
for x in range(1, context_reach):
cprev = tfidflistings[language][index - x]
cnext = tfidflistings[language][index + x]
if x == 1:
tfidfcontext[language].append([value, word])
index += 1
# pp.pprint(tfidfcontext)
print('*tfidfcontext returned*')
return tfidfcontext
def request_mappings(mapping_type):
index = load_index()
filenames = [document for document, _ in index.items()]
mappings = []
for document, _ in index.items():
sentences = []
for sentence in index[document]['sentences']:
for word in tokenizer.tokenize(sentence):
if mapping_type == 'tfidf':
tfidf = index[document]['tfidf'][word.lower()] * multiplier # lowercased! (!important)
if [tfidf, word.lower()] not in mappings: # lowercased! (!important)
mappings.append([tfidf, word.lower()]) # lowercased! (!important)
# if mapping_type == 'tf':
# tf = index[document]['tf'][word.lower()] # lowercased! (!important)
# if [tf, word.lower()] not in mappings: # lowercased! (!important)
# mappings.append([tf, word.lower()]) # lowercased! (!important)
if mapping_type == 'idf':
idf = index[document]['idf'][word.lower()] # lowercased! (!important)
if [idf, word.lower()] not in mappings: # lowercased! (!important)
mappings.append([idf, word.lower()]) # lowercased! (!important)
return mappings, filenames
def request_mappings_for_document(name):
index = load_index()
filenames = [document for document, _ in index.items()]
mappings = {}
for document, _ in index.items():
if document == name:
sentences = []
for sentence in index[document]['sentences']:
words = []
for word in tokenizer.tokenize(sentence):
tfidf = index[document]['tfidf'][word.lower()] * multiplier # lowercased! (!important)
words.append([word, tfidf])
mappings[document] = sentences
# pp.pprint(mappings)
return mappings, filenames